
No, he will die in those camps. Although, he’ll get pulled out way before then. He’ll be fine. But, yeah, this is a good lesson for Americans to learn: don’t be a jackass. In other countries, you’ll do forced labor for it.

First thought: “well, that’ll learn ya.” Like, no, I don’t have sympathy for the entitled American bro who went to a facist, unstable country and found out he couldn’t act like a bro there. I also don’t feel bad for the kid who threw a shoe at, and then was mauled to death by the SF tiger. I hope this kid is

My favorite discussions of privilege involve some white guy getting all uppity and exclaiming, “but I’m not privileged, I grew up poor!” The collective sound of eyes rolling is almost audible.

Of course, but heterosexual white male privilege doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with class privilege - that is to say, the two are not interdependent.

I am a worrier, too! Thank god Uber exists now (they’ll even bring a car seat), so if you indulge around your kids (pot, booze), and something terrible happens, there’s an Uber 2 minutes away. It’s awesome :) And thankfully most children don’t ever get seriously hurt, phew!

That’s awesome, I wish I had that ability. I’m SO looking forward to having kids of my own because, honestly, it’s kind of weird coming in to someone’s home and having to play entertainer for their kids. Like, I gotta go to the bank, go grocery shopping, clean my house, work on my truck. It will be great to have that

I’ve been a nanny for 4 years - I can’t do make believe. I was never that kid, either: I liked playing by myself, making mud pies, painting, and making up songs. I never understood immersive fantasy play. The kids are disappointed, but usually find other children at the park to play with. They make believe while I’m

Black person: This thing is racist. I know this, because I’m familiar with how racism is levied against me.

I change my own oil, but went about a month past when I should have changed it. I stopped freaking out about it when my friend told me she’d never changed her oil. In fact, she said, “you mean not just adding more oil?” We popped her hood and checked her oil and, thank god, the right amount of oil was in the engine.

I’m white, but I grew up with two moms. My parents and I talk a lot about how LGBT and women’s history has been systematically erased and how black history is the only history we even barely touch on in our educational system (because white people have been forced to at least acknowledge it in the most paltry way).

I just called Lands End and a feminist answered the phone! She took down my comments - that protecting hateful ignorance is reprehensible and disappointing - and is forwarding them to the company headquarters! Call them at tel:+1-800-963-4816 and get your voice heard!

Okay, cool, I appreciate you taking the time to reply to me. I guess I’ve just been called a bitch and a cunt enough times that even reading those words in a certain context just makes my heart heavy. No matter how smart, funny, and capable I am, it will always be put in the context of “for a girl” (not even a woman!)

A lot of people say “nigger,” too, but it doesn’t make it okay. I’m okay with women using gendered slurs how they want, but it is counterproductive, childish, and nasty and I don’t agree with its usage.

You should, I get this all the time, too. No one asked your opinion on my body, dude, do your job.

Whoa, why would you call a woman who changes her mind a “teasing bitch”? Why would you use a gender slur here? Do you use other slurs in your regular life, too?

You know what I hate? All you FUCKING SAN FRANCISCIANS complaining about how dirty Oakland is and then fucking moving here and ruining our goddamn city. SF is fucking filthy, Oakland is A LOT nicer and has a better community vibe. So you shit all over Oakland and then you move here and jack up the rent to $1500 for a

All this does is make me think Ryn Weaver is an idiot. A childish moron. So, yeah, sounds like she epitomizes Steinem’s comments about women who blindly follow the misogynist argument for Sanders...

Bill Murray is a creep with a very carefully orchestrated public image. But, honestly, phones are so easily replaced these days, and these folks were invading his privacy, it’s probably not the worst thing he’s ever done... Still an over-grown entitled toddler, tho

I called the number. I hope they’re getting lots of calls today

What do you mean, permanent?