
She doesn’t want to be called ‘bitch’ and I find that feminist and fair - why undermine that, even as a joke?

San Francisco, I think, allows partial nudity (a new law was passed recently), but state and national parks do not. Those laws are enforced - or not - usually by park rangers. Seems like a cheap way for the SFPD to quiet down the scene

They have really high quality soy formulas, at least on the American market. People are dumb

Haha, I know! The chance does increase, but it’s not what the same as we’re led to believe

Fun fact, though: older women don’t necessarily have more downs babies than younger women. Fewer babies are born to older women and so the percentage of genetic disorders increases (smaller sample size), but Bristol definitely could have had a baby with Downs Syndrome. It’s not out of the realm of possibility at all.

Everyone does - it would be very odd that her closest colleagues whom she worked with every day would not have noticed. It’s just perplexing.

The part that’s strange to me is that people who worked in her office had no idea she was pregnant until she announced she was 7 months (and she still wasn’t showing), she flew from Texas to Alaska while in labor, and the hospital she gave birth at has no records of the birth. It’s all very strange. The article I read

Real quick - have you heard the theory that Trig was Bristol’s son and not Sarah’s? There’s some pretty convincing evidence from a legitimate source that basically says Sarah might have faked that pregnancy to preserve her viability as a presidential candidate. Interesting stuff...

There’s nothing inappropriate about a woman’s naked body but I am uncomfortable with sexualized images of women, like this one of Kerr. I don’t want to see images of women’s sexuality being used to tantalize men, I don’t want to see soft core porn at the grocery line checkout. And I definitely don’t want my kids

Babies should never be conceived accidentally. We have an over population problem. And it’s wrong to use a human life as your sounding board for finding direction in your own life. There’s nothing wrong with accidentally making a baby, but there is something wrong with planning on putting yourself in a risky situation

Simpson’s joke?

“Too drunk to live safely” is a very elegant rebuttal and I will now be using this turn of phrase casually every time I go out with my girlfriends

But how many people read the website he writes for? And furthermore, we all realize this is rape in the real world, but for women who were socialized to see sex slavery as the norm from the day they were born, will they ever be able to acknowledge their own assault?

And you seem lovely and I don’t want to harp on it - but what does sex look like to you between people who don’t have a penis and don’t use toys? And then there’s the thing of - hand to breast is sexual but not sex, but mouth to nipple is more sexual and both can be used to enhance sex, so... where does that leave us?

I feel like you’re not a lesbian - are you? If so, how do you define sex?

It is

I completely support what you’re saying. I wrote my comment from a place of: virginity is a stupid idea. Sex is basically anything sexual you do with a partner and there’s a hardly a line between having not done anything or doing something when it comes to sexuality. We’re all sexual beings so to put a label on

Sex is like a car almost - you wouldn’t call one aspect, say the carburetor, a car. Oral is a part of sex, just like procreative penetration is a part of sex, or touching, rubbing, using fingers is a part of sex. They’re all sex and many components need to be present to have successful sex, not just penetration with a

You sound like a version of me from the future - my partner and I are still dating, he’s happa and I’m white. I focused on basically film ethics in school and he does manual labor. The shit that comes out of his mouth sometimes. He identifies as white and does not understand so much - thinks I’m taking it out on him,

Jason Mann is such a whiny prick, and I fucking hate how they play all this suspenseful reality show music over her incredibly insightful and kind words about filmmaking. Fuck this show