Oil breaks down the latex, so I would say a gel lube (water based without parabens) or bareback with a fluid bound partner
Oil breaks down the latex, so I would say a gel lube (water based without parabens) or bareback with a fluid bound partner
When is she gonna leave this dirtbag?
Okay, yes, people are dumb, but also, so many stories featured here are about people not understanding their dietary restrictions that I think maybe we’re seeing the results of a broken down health and educational system within the context of corporatized agriculture. Like, Americans seem to be socialized to be…
Black person: “I’ve experienced racism before and I know this is racist”
I love you
I’m a nanny and I was so shocked when I realized how blatantly socialized gender roles are! As soon as kids start school, they start labeling things for boys and for girls, and girls aren’t allowed to do boy things and boys aren’t allowed to do girl things. Not how the parents feel, but children learn from what they…
$20 - we want her on the $20 bill. Check John Oliver’s explanation of the petition history, it’a pretty infuriating
Real talk: I’m in my midtwenties and have been with 40-50 guys. That doesn’t seem like a lot to me. I’m gonna brag right now and say I’m a great lay, and I don’t think I would know what I know or enjoy sex as much if I hadn’t been with those guys. My (beautiful, hot, sexy, all-around excellent) boyfriend doesn’t seem…
Gay is different than black. A ton of similarities and yet othering wouldn’t have happened until this child is much older.
Shouting in to the ether here: I’m the result of a sperm donor and a lesbian couple. This woman loves her child enough to move to a more liberal area because after she saw the true face of racism, she realized moving to a more diverse area would give her daughter better opportunities. This mother loves her daughter.…
I’m from Santa Cruz! I live in Oakland now. Your dad’s impression is, like, 80% accurate for people who lived there 40 years ago ;)
Santa Cruz? Like the small hippy beach town?
Okay, but the sundress thing? You were mad at a woman for not wearing a bra and having socially unacceptable tits? Like, weren’t they droopy from breastfeeding you and aren’t bras uncomfortable?
That little girl is a spoiled brat
I sport a fat landing strip, sort of like the (young) naked woman in The Shining. This is not my boyfriend’s preference - he wants me to leave it natural, he doesn’t realize I’m Slavic. Most of the guys I date don’t necessarily have a lot of hair, current bf included, so I’m in to the natural look on them. Definitely…
I’m a nanny and have had to stop taking clients where the dad is at home a lot. I’ve been asked out by a divorced dad, offered money for sex, and generally peeved on. Dads are gross.
This is racist garbage. Allure is stupid and what they are doing is taking a culturally subversive hairstyle and removing the political power.
It’s contour make up - you can see the lines in the second picture
Are you talking about that lawyer in Portland who they thought was involved in the London train bombing? I went to school with his daughter and it was awful watching that family get raked through the mud because they were Muslim - they were really good people
Oakland story!: Was it Cactus? Cuz I feel like it was Cactus