
Okay, so I had this crazy thought after reading your original post that - what if he was a con artist and your parents actually don’t have the deed to the house? ...does the blank witness section invalidate the deed?

Honestly, after reading the two stories above about women being stalked by men and one violently assaulted, I would make the assumption someone was in your house. Have you talked to your landlord about anyone who might have a key?

“ actually scary” - isn’t this lady like 40?

I know this is day-of reporting, but I think out of respect for the victim her name should consistently be spelled correctly throughout the article. Put her name in your contacts so your phone autocorrects to her name?

Or, what if white women feminists stop worrying what we should do for WoC? I’ll fight shoulder to shoulder on any cause, but I’m not going to invade anyone’s space and I’m not going to make decisions for other people. I can help in keeping a place at the table for anyone who wants it and I can do what is asked of

Funny, I was just thinking about this today: that white women and black women often have opposing ideologies that aren’t necessarily compatible. The suffragettes, I thought, had originally grown out of the abolitionist movement. To describe them as generally racist is an interesting way to characterize naturally

This was laid out really well - and I agree. I think sex is as unique to people as their fingerprints. And people are pretty weird. So if one’s sexual identity is a reflection of who they are, we’re going to discover that many expressions of sexuality fall in to these grey areas. It’s a kind of non-consensual sex, but

There are strict protocols with sex scenes that got ignored here. It’s like if you’re a stripper and then one of your clients rapes you.

It’s not like the hijab is the symbol of diversity (freedom) liberals want it to be. So personally I don’t see this as a huge loss, but I also don’t think it’s right that she was pressured to leave this project. Especially if she’s Palestinian, as a Muslim woman she gets to have a negative opinion of Israel’s actions.

Driving up to northern NorCal to visit my mom, I see A LOT of “Farmers For Trump” signs and most people in my mom’s rural county voted for him. This does seem realistic and the show was always political, although it was liberal and feminist. Looking forward to the show’s take on it all, frankly

My dad is very sweet but also very confused about what I want romantically in my life right now (dating around, dating multiple people with transparency, enjoying crushing, enjoying sleeping alone every night, etc.) He recently told me that tattoos ruin a woman’s natural beauty and that I should make my life all about

I thought sex between a corrections officer/police officer and an inmate was always considered rape?

Just go on the fucking vacation. Here’s the deal: resisting your mother will invite her to double down. Don’t let that happen. She gave you a whole year to save up to get your own Airbnb! What a gem. Do that and frame it like you’re super grateful for the invite but for everyone’s benefit, your family of three is

I know Jez has been working with a bare-bones staff for a while now, but Jane’s responses are pretty ambiguous and emotionally unaware for an advice column. It just seems like the writer of the column is not connecting with the people writing in. Maybe she should stick to the superficial of fashion or throw herself in

Except the obvious: “y’all.”

AntiFa is extremism advocating for censorship and using violence and threat of violence to control others’ actions and promote censorship. This is NOT liberalism and I am DONE with this happening in my hometown. I vow to cross the aisle politically and talk to those who believe different than I, finding points of

But why would you think silly wigs would help? I would suggest going in a more sensuous direction. Clothed and not trying to initiate sex, try pulling her in to your lap, facing her, rubbing her shoulders and looking in to her eyes. Try reading good erotic fiction to her. Do more housework.

This should be on a t-shirt

Also, like, if that was my partner, I’d be crushed! Hard to imagine a fiancé being like, “oh you have an immediate sexual connection to this lady who isn’t me? Right on, have fun, champ.” Different strokes for different folks, but let’s not forget history is written by the victors :/

THANK you! Polyamory doesn’t work for me personally, but from my experiences and observations it appears there are two general categories: people who are genuinely alternative and grow stronger and more plentiful bonds through polyamory, and misogynistic boyfriends who are tired of being committed and want to have