
internet hugs fellow former jw!!! I'm doing my first Xmas this year so excited.

lmao!!!! Boywithbeanz became an atheist about half way through his mission, but finished it then left the church. I feel you on crazy Mormon in-laws. MIL buys our Dog a Xmas present but not me Lol.

black crotchless panties, black leather bralett and a whip. Which would be a good gift if you were sleeping with the person. I was not, nor was I friends with them. He was a creepy old guy and I was his hairdresser.

showed boywithbeanz this picture and it resulted in me giving him a piggy back ride around the house. I feel empowerd...he feels pain. :/

you handled that way better than the mother though. Regardless of someone being a bitch you don't get a pass to assault them.

i do too! They are Mormon, good twin went on a mission, bad twin got girl pregnant. They were married while he was in Korea.

I'm starting to think a lot of black people in the south don't distinguish between Latino and white. Sense moving to this god forsaken region I've been called white girl, cracker bitch. White devil, and whittie. Pretty much all from women who wouldn't let me do their hair. (Even though I was the natural hair

i had a horrible flu and was told if I took the day off I would get fired, so I came in sick and dehydrated. Bent down to pick up a bra for a customer and when I stood up bam out cold. The customer then stepped over me to buy the bra and on her way out said oh the girl fainted. By the time my coworkers cane over I was

i left a really controlling religion. All my friends have disappeard :(

what if you cast be around kids? I really really don't like being around children, like at all. It's not just a personal comfort type thing but if they start getting loud or hyper or cry I literally have a panic attack. All but one of my friends thinks I made it up to never have to see their kids and now hate me. My

Exactly!! Maybe it's only new parents though, i don't have friends with kids over 2

i only had two friends that would still talk to me, both are mom's now :/

Well fuck, I'm too old to make new friends:( I have none left. Except boyfriend.

you sound great! I wish we were friends

I live in Tallahassee, I am going to go take pictures infront of this tomorow, for my christmas cards!

as a Lola i agree

what? of course he needs a trial. Rape is awful but living in a country where you go jail for an accusation might be worse. I do hope he goes to jail for a long time, just after he is found guilty.

5.5 seems better. Your comment says 4.593...both seem wrong from my experience but I've most of the peen I've seen is flaccid or only partially hard. (Worked as a waxing specialist)

Aghhhhhh i was going to write that but you beat me to it

That is the average...For real? Not the average before puberty?