You're right. They are delicious
You're right. They are delicious
Oh it happens, I have had pictures of aborted fetus plasters over my car, been screamed at and had red koolaide thrown at me, I was only there for birth control. I can’t imagine how hard that would be to deal with even you’re going in for an abortion. I had a friend juno because of it
I’m from Santa Barbara too. I've been in Florida for the past 4 years. I'll never be able to afford to move back. Don't leave California!!!! You will regret it
Jesus drove a Honda. It says in the bible him and all his followers were in one accord. How they all fit is the real miracle.
I say chonies. It's a Mexican thing I think.
Me Too! mostLy because its my namE , liKe on my birTh CerTIifiCaTe. i Dont know whAt’s up with the odd cApiTalizATio.
Jehovah’s witnesses?
Wouldn’t that be celibate as not fuck??
Yup and it’s delcious
Yes please
I’ll let my Mexican grandparents, tios & tias know that THEIR pronunciation of THEIR food annoys white people. Cheel-pO-té ftw
My grandmother says it like that, she is FRom Mexico.
I’m Lola, adn dyslexic. I agree 100%
Oh mAn now I want an orbitz
I'm so sorry that is awful. I'm in the same place right now.
i was a honeymoon ruiner. I went on my parents with them when I was 5
get a lash perm! It is the stuff of dreams.
get a lash perm! It is the stuff of dreams.