
i once went to a wedding with a mashed potatoes bar, a Hawaiian haystacks bar and a Sunday bar. But no bar, Mormons are weird.

mba actually, my live in bf has a PhD in astrophysics and he tells you to fuck yourself as well. Education has nothing to do with choosing to not show respect to awful people. You are an asshole there for I treat you like the hole of an ass you are. And by you education comment I can just imagine what a peach you are

go fuck yourself please.

you should let them know. I think anyone looking to redo their kitchen. Should write an email with exactly how much they are going to spend ...with their competitors.


what article are you talking about? Honestly curious not being snarky.

omfg so cute!!

its the preserving effects of preservatives.

My thoughts: eggplant is delicious and one of two things my boyfriend can make on his own. I work late on weekends and often come home to eggplant Fridays.

seriously its like Jared we know you can afford another process and a toner. Why anyone would leave their hair the in between brassy blonde is beyond me. Also your name is awesome.

there is a difference. Bone broth it made from bones. broth is usually made with meat and sometimes organs.

nope just you.

lol Nevermind I read that as you are not they are. I was like valid point why the hate???

honest question. Why do you say that?

you should start a petition!!!! Lol that shit and we may get decent tv

I'd love an openly athiest president, of Islamic decent.

they ask the high school question a lot where I live in Florida. It's so weird, it's like I'm 26 you wouldn't rather know where I went to university?

Completely beside the point. But that Aztec wedding gerrrrrrr!!! It's not remotely Aztec looking at all. It plays on cheap stereotypes of native Americans. Wrong fucking Indians white people!!!!! I clicked because I thought it could be anaawesome idea. I'm of Aztec decent so its OK I can do that. But nooooooooooo

just got back from Disney world and I used to think they were a myth too. They are not

this so much!!!