
Being in an abusive relationship should garner her some sympathy but it does not excuse her for all of her actions for the rest of time. Although abuse would have an impact on ones mental health/well being its not a free ticket to crime. Where is the line? What if it was murder and not abandonment? Also the only

Unrelated...but your user name made my life better

I think your my soul mate

Unless you know you can't. I get cystic acne if I shave. I tried Nair but the chemical burns were not worth it. I also think a little hair in the armpit is way less gross then big open pusy zits so I wax in the summer and wear sleeves to work in the winter.

For the most part mormon food is a disgusting cassoroly and or coolwhipy nightmare. Funeral potatoes on the otherhand.....fucking lovey. So good! The biggest abomination that is Mormon cooking is the Hawaiian haystack. It is rice coverd in crunchy chow mein noodles (haystack) covered in either cream of mushrooms or

I'm not single but Mr. Scissors and I have decided to not have kids, at least you have an excuse!!! The pressure from his mom and mine is unrelenting. I'm also an only child with two step parents and no step or half sibs so the shit we get from my parents is so guilt ridden.

I think I love them!!!!

He was a child molester. I grew up in Santa Barbara and know someone who had their college fund paid for by MJ. His parents were illegal immigrants and having that much money waved at them for silence was too much. At least they put it in a fund for him and didn't spend it. I dont know about the other kids but he

Points for assbutt

My MIL is like that. She made a huge deal about not eating some chicken I made and wouldn't let my FIL eat it either. Because it had a red wine VINEGAR sauce that was BAKED!!!!! Even if somehow the vinegar still had alcohol in it it was cooked out! They are Mormon :(

Its not to bad either.

I actually did this. My bf was getting a little too preachy about going paleo... So I thought if you wanna eat like a caveman hehehe I'll make you eat like a caveman. I got cricket powder online and put it in his fruit and veg juice. I guess it's a prank gone well as he now adds a teaspoon of cricket and bee pollen

I almost wish someone would try that on me. I'd love an excuse to punch a PUA in the balls.

You win the internet today

No!!! I understand the need for pantry bingo...but why would someone subject guests to it!!

Your coworkers sound worse than awful.

Dressed up as being key

Noooooo! Aghhhh

Yes do that!

I would consider it a huge complement. Although I've never been cat called and my own bf won'tfuck me so...