
I’d say it to my son, too.

I see what you did there.

Hop on a Korean Air flight, you will NOT be disappointed.

Now playing

That’s what we’re here for, man. I was reminiscing about the Pixies with a friend just now:

It probably runs like hemorrhaging shitass as well. I see a MAF thats not plugged in, so I’m wondering if the owner had any plans to use it or if its just being used as a coupling at this point.


. . . until you have to haul that tall houseplant. Then again, there is that lack of a tailgate. . . . You may have a point.

Man you must of either got beaten by a priest or woke up with a ruler up your ass.

So you’d rather have a V6 Honda Accord?

Something something, made in China something something American space station.

People who like this shouldn’t be allowed to own cars, they shouldn’t be allowed to own anything except a jacket whose sleeves tie in the back.

The neeeeewwww Allante!

And now, a live look in at our intrepid author:

If anyone wants to buy a $3k Saturn Astra I’ll be more than happy to source and ship you the Vauxhall badges for just $4k, then you have an instant saving of $1k over this and we all win.

more like Colon-rado Springs, amirite?!

I love Jalops.
Busted ass Ferrari? Hell no.
5 ragged out Pacers? YES PLEASE

‘Honey you’re going to buy THAT car? And drive it every day to your job at the high school?’ ‘I will be GODdammed if I have to go to that GODdamn job one more day at that GODdamn school with those GODdamn kids and not have the exact car I want and that is FINAL!’ That conversation happened. Our teachers were all dicks

Now playing

Looks like someone had some parts left over when they assembled their Interocitor.

Fun fact:

I would just like to say that those “alt-right protesters” were protesting the removal of a historical statue. You make it sound like they were being incredibly racist, but all they were doing was arguing against the removal of a statue. I am not trying to defend the fucking cunt who drove his car into the