
I’m gonna buy this jag so I can pick up some cougars!

It’s not ‘starvation day’ today is it?

More car posts, less globalist fake news propaganda and “paid editorials.”

But fear monger if makes the clicks happen.

The the fuck out of here with this shit

Really though, as a scientist, I’ve learned not to judge an additive by its name. Just because you don’t know what it is doesn’t mean it isn’t ‘food.’

You shut your mouth, Taco Bell has some tasty foods.

Between Mexican Pizza, bean burritos, and the new Double Chalupa, I could eat there multiple times a week (stone cold sober, a sad affliction I’ve managed my whole life).


A blog renamed for an infuriating nuisance that you pluck out and throw away at the first available opportunity?

Came here to say the same, I think it’s supposed to be “Don’t travel or put your privacy at risk...”

The traveling and associated biometric scanning is what IS putting your privacy at risk in this case (although you really have no privacy when flying commercial and haven’t for years).

The headline doesn’t make sense. Travel Or Put Your Privacy At Risk, The Choice May Soon Be Yours?

MBV was definitely the loudest live show I’ve ever been to.

Where is my friend Nico, when I need her?

the “threshold of pain”—the point at which you suffer irreversible hearing damage.

It’s really lacking awareness and in bad taste to put the iron cross on a beetle. Any other car it might be considered ironic.

Nice price. You pussies can’t change a tranny on a dually?