
From Texas. Neither lies nor cheats.

Theorem disproven.

...hmm, have the weekend been rough on the editors? Lots of articles have had silly typos in them today.

Captain, I agree with you wholeheartedly. I know many people on here want to believe that Stan Lee is being ripped off by those who are younger than him in order to plunder his riches, but Lee’s history says that he does a good job plundering his own money in bad business deals.

I still build every rig, its cheaper and I get better specs. This game though is not worth even 2$, 17 or 20 is stupid.

The FB RX7's.


“The last of the V8 Interceptors”

Just think how great the rotary engine would be with this kind of science applied to it.

Yep, but you won’t have to worry about it stealing the coin change from your pocket every time you lean out to grab your mail.

This is going to be a very underrated comment, but I appreciate you.

The Root is just 1 click away.

Well it’s white, so it will obviously generate far more income than it’s worth.

All together now:

For $12k. With 186k on the ODO. And rusting out. And a trans that sucks. And shitty interior. WTF are you high on?

Well, any prostitute that I might hire probably would sit in my driveway and mock me for months afterwards. It’s...kinda my thing.

For less than $3000 you can get a really nice prostitute that will also wreck your marriage and give you the same burning and itchy sensation for days. The upside is she won’t be sitting in your driveway mocking you for months afterwards.

Like... what benefit does the moss actually provide?

I see tounces has upgraded

so much for my partner...

Maybe more analogous to washing the windows without wiper fluid? Haha.