
Upon close inspection, i found the reason for the crash: they are all driving on the wrong side of the road.

Oh my goodness.

We need more comments like this.

shut up cunt, put some respect in your headline.

Coming from one of the clearly more sensitive people? Clearly sensitive enough to have a fucking ride changed. Shit like this (making a ride a social/political issue) is why there IS the alt right. I’m as progressive as they come, but when there’s a bunch of left leaning racists going around trying to make everything

I hate it when I mention this guy as my favorite sci-fi author and someone gives a snarky stifled laugh at his name. I want to tell them: “YOU DON’T KNOW DICK, MOTHERF()CKER!!!!”

the subjugation of our fellow man is, as we all know, a dick move.

Trying to kill someone because they stole from you is not acceptable in any sense. She certainly deserves severe punishment.

NP only for the nostalgia and the fact that almost any solid running vehicle is worth $3,500 in my opinion.

Tits special and amazing, indeed!

How many do you think are being purchased for destruction in the next Fast and Furious movie?

I really want to like this car, and I really want it to be good because it’s finally in the US, but damn this car is ugly. I mean not just opinion ugly, but completely hideous I’d be embarrassed to be seen in it ugly. Could you imagine picking up an educated woman for a first date in this thing?

Ironically, the car itself is covered in tumors.

Shhhhh stop pointing out the obvious. SJW’s don’t like that kinda stuff.

You are despairing in behalf of an individual with a garage full of expensive sneakers, a beautiful wife and house and a car to kill for. You are wasting your despair. Use it for someone who needs it like a women with 3 kids in Mosul, Iraq whose husband was just killed by ISIS and whose house was blown to

Number 1. Katharine doesn’t have a grasp of how flaccids behave/work.

This is filth. Out of this whole movie THIS is the thing you want to talk about? How do you think it would sound if I as a man wrote an article about how I though Wonder Woman was stuffing her bra, thereby lying about her breast size?

Kap had a right to come out and protest unjust police brutality. He also happened to choose to do this at his workplace. The owners also have a right to not sign him because of that, even if it means signing a lesser player instead. An owner can do whatever he wants with his team; there is absolutely nothing saying

Counterpoint: Duh.