
For clarity, this headline should be restructured. Here are two options.

“The Trump regime is the most corrupt administration in modern history.”

Trump’s a piker compared to the Clintons. Just sayin’

  • Obama promised, “My administration will be the most transparent administration in history”. It has been the most secretive.

The wing was so high because it was attarched to the body of the car, and the decklid had to be opened, so the wing would have to be tall enough for the decklid to open.

I have no opinion on the matter as this isn’t a political forum.

Sidney and Gizmodo Staff. We get it. You don’t like Trump. And you don’t like anything Trump does or any of his appointees. But if you turn your website into soft core leftist politics porn (as you are doing):

I really don’t understand the eternal-boner people have for these BMWs. One of my best buddies from college had a roomate with one, from daddy’s money. He actually was on the crack pipe (no one knew it, at the time). He ruined a perfectly good shotgun trying to saw it off. (Destroyed the action). Asshole tried to

So, it is going to be a Ferrari FF. Nice shooting brake.

I had a Chevy Blazer, a ‘72. You’re no Blazer. You want a Blazer? I have one for you. It was my very first car. And it was a piece of $#!%. If you want to die on the highway halfway to where you want to go with nobody to help within about 10 hours of walking, well then I have the perfect f’ing car for you! Stupid GM

Seriously. I teared up seeing that.


I am a real estate photographer, well part time, and I have to merge 5 images for each shot. I usually do 20-30 shots of a house. I built a win 10 desktop for about 1500 bucks. That got me 16gb, Skylake i7 top of the line at the time, 256 m2 drive, (2500mb/s write... insane), geforce gtx960, and the other bits.

You’re typing this comment on a device made of oil and rare earth minerals that were destructively mined, and then assembled by slave labor. None of us are as innocent as you are pretending.

Still denying the obvious, HRC suipporter?

While I am not a fan of Trump, and did indeed vote for Clinton, the only group/place/thing to blame this on is Clinton herself.

Not really. “Climate change” is simply another way of saying “weather” and I don’t think anyone is skeptical of taking action against weather - we’ve made great progress with air conditioning, central heat, and shelter in general. All the alarmist global-warming stuff? Well... good luck with your apocalyptic religion.

Too much hair. Must be European.

Scion Xb- because you have to move your apartment lots, have a band, have lots of crap to haul around and you want something reliable as a hammer and inexpensive. Old Toyota engine tech is insanely reliable.