
I completely agree. I understand why people believe cheating is wrong, but I don't understand why they get so incredibly upset and judgmental about it. Very rarely are people cheating just because they want to fuck around, it's usually an incredibly complex issue. I wish people would show a bit more empathy when

Making a cat dance for one's life partner goes beyond the physical realm of pleasure. Slightly lifting a cat to a semi standing position and wiggling it to music is the most intimate experience two humans can share.

If you're a St Louis cop who arrests a man named Deterion, you must be racist.

I am an officer that "followed" this car on two separate occasions. As law enforcement officers, we have to weigh the costs to society with apprehending the suspect. When traveling on the wrong side of the road, going quadruple the speed limit, it quickly becomes a short countdown of when the vehicle will cause a

It's safer for riders and better for traffic yet your tiny little bit of bitchy angst is a counterpoint?


No, next year (Or when critical something breaks, whichever comes first) you sell it for $2000, even a parts car will go for that, move on to a cheap S8 and repeat. Let the next chump handle the bills.

EXTREME! - - -

I, honestly, don't care what he is. Some parts of PCH are hellacious because the rich assholes that live in the area or that frequent it are fucking entitled and careless (and I'm including Jenner and his spawn in that statement).

Hope they Charge Bruce. For speeding, wrongful death with a vehicle and aggressive driving. Just because you have the Pap behind you does not give you the right to try and speed away.

I'm not saying there may not exist mitigating factors. But to completely ignore his participation in the death of another human being is not justifiable. He was not "involved" he caused the crash.

Why not just let these paparazzi assholes take your picture so they can stop chasing you? Is your picture so precious that you're putting the lives of other people on the road by participating in a road chase? Pull the fuck over and call the police, asshole. They'll come and rescue you because you're White and rich.

Jenner killed someone. When you drive a car you are not supposed to hit other cars, even if someone you don't like is driving behind you. Stop with the passive descriptions of Jenner's involvement.

you can do this. right now. just stop buying the magazines. stop reading the blog posts. like this one don't read this one!

He can't drive ... he really is a woman.

This. This, right here is why it's a CP.

I really hope the stance movement disappears forever at some point. Just awful.

The price was listed in $ in the article. No need for conversion.