
I think all of the hominids should level up at least 2 rankings. And honestly, bonobos are pretty much just small horny chimpanzees. Don’t know if they need separate rankings as I’m sure either variety could destroy any unarmed human with equal dexterity.

I think there was a mistake, this was supposed to be published on Jezebel. Right? Yeah.

SJW. Call a whaaa-mbulance. Snowflake. Feminist. Whine whine whine, with some wine - no, actually Xanax for this one.

That was what I noticed right off. It looks like her shrapnel shredded his “air brakes”.


MC 900 for the win! If it were up to me this would be #COTD.

1 question: Why is it so ugly? Especially the back end. I mean, jowls in the rear? Come on!

“How dare someone make money selling this car!” said the car-selling company.

Can I just say that convertibles suck and are only suitable for teenage girls or really desperate attention-seeking douchebags?

I can’t find my Nelson Muntz gif but please just let me say, “Ha! Ha!”

Never liked him anyway so this is schadenfreudelicious.

That’s a lot of cash for a kinda-unusual old import. But it’s good enough, clean enough, and doggone it, I like this car.

I would buy this just so that if a time machine is ever invented, I could go back in time to show my 8 year-old self that someday he would grow up to be the coolest guy in the entire world.

I had a 78 Chevy Caprice, it is still one of my favorite cars. There is a lot to be said for a vinyl bench seat, RWD, and a carbureted V8. And it had an amazingly tight turning radius for a car of it’s size.

I remember the first time in a parking lot I was worried about trying to fit it into a spot but in no time at

Drift baby! Get sideways. LOL! Looks like he got a pretty nice line on that turn.

I am a guy, and know that some ladies love beards. I’m not really a “beard guy” but I will endure growning one out for a nice gal.

Since I’m gray-zoned and no one will probably ever read this, I may as well share this story.

My very first time I didn’t go down but there was a fair bit of fingering prior to the main event, and I during a random nose scratch I accidentally got a whiff of what was going down there and it was TERRIBLE.

I was horrified


Domo-kun and Warehouse Kitten stickers earn it a NP.

This was kind of a toss-up but since it’s not really my real money I could justify clicking the NP button.


Yeah, the lottery is just a tax on people who are bad at math.

You nailed it - Kansas. As a child and young teen every year the family would drive from St. Louis to Colorado for summer vacation. I sat in the back of a 1980 Honda Civic with my younger sister. NO AIR CONDITIONING. (Dad was too cheap to splurge for such extravagance.) I can still feel the hot boredom and discomfort.

Sorry, I have an issue about buying a membership for the priveledge of shopping.

Hey! I sell stuff at the local flea market... gimme $50 cash up front and I will let you buy my stuff, and give you 2% off, as much as you want! Boo Ya.