
Because he is the Ivan Lendl of F1.

Happier Daze :

Thanks for the link.

I honestly have no idea what percentage of suits are abuse, but even one is too many.

As a paraplegic, I get a bit disgusted when the ADA is used to promote entitlement like this. It makes those of us who want equal opportunities to services look like cry babies that want special perks. A drive through is for cars. If able-bodied people can’t walk up to a window to order without a car, then why

Tip, your servers well

I always tip 25%+ unless I fuck up the arithmetic and only end up doing 20% by accident. I didn’t work in service long, and not in a directly tipped role, but I learned that so many customers are shitty tippers and behave shitty. I’m basically just hoping to even that out so the server isn’t getting screwed at the end

As a former bartender at a busy airport bar, it’s sad that I noticed that the good people who tipped a little extra helped to make up for the stiffs or the cretins who would tip the pennies and lint in their pocket.

Very Strangelovian...

“Stop saying jets are a disaster!”

By one measure of success, Deadspin is more successful. But all that is beside the fucking point anyway. The New York Times is more successful than Deadspin, but people don’t flood the comment section of every article Deadspin writes criticizing the New York Times saying that. Because it doesn’t matter. One of the

This is too real. He’s like every white Millennial dudebro who is now a DSA member and wants to “actually” me all day long. Considering that almost every candidate is running on the same platform that already aligns with Sanders’, I can go ahead and say: I do not like Bernie Sanders and I will not vote for him in the

“Jewish Fascist Defends Fascist Jew-Hater”

I loved that right up until the end.  I usually watch each episode two or three times but I could only stand to watch the finale once.  Alice is THE WORST.

Everything you said plus the fact that two of the major things he campaigned for (Universal healthcare and abolishing ICE) he has no power to enact as governor. Also look at where he lost to Gwen, the more conservative part of our state. Plus if he wins (which yes I’ll be happy but I’m not betting on it) he’ll have to

DeSantis is disgusting. His commercials with his kid building a wall with blocks and reading Trump’s book as bedtime stories was ridiculous. Some of the Florida media were like oh that’s so funny that he can make his Trump loving self. No it's gross that he's teaching his children that crap. 

Why can’t my dog sit just outside the restaurant patio?”

*squints* Are you trying to embody the stereotype here for lulzy illustrative purposes?

I think what a lot of people don’t get is that the restaurant biz bitching about well done steaks isn’t 100% to do with it just being wrong to cook a steak that way. Or it ruining the steak. Its not a judgement on a customers personal tastes.

Sure preparing that cut that way isn’t doing to meat any favors. And

Andrew Sharp started there, and had a fairly funny Hot Taek article series (I think it was him). The internet wasn’t as mature as it is now, and when they had comments he’d really pull some people in.