logophobe, desperate dad

Me, the one not making jokes about someone dying in the desert for a cheap shot at that person’s sister?

I appreciate your putting up the Kool-aid signal but my usual shtick is just a little too on point today

*single red tear*

I know how you feel. Tater makes fun of me for being a large all the time.

Yeah - for the people who comment just to complain, rather than scrolling past an articel they don’t like.

Hey I’ll have to steal that one

Wow. Looks like you win the coveted title of Shittiest Person Commenting.

This makes me want to invent a whole new dessert abomination just to troll you.

Your tears are DELICIOUS

Why not both?

That actually sounds much more entertaining than modern basketball.


I would actually get high as fuck and pay to see that performed by a group of indifferent teens. Would probably wind up screaming “DRAMA FOR LIFE” at closing curtain.

So... they only performed musicals from the 1910s?

Well 1 of 2 is okay.

I’m going with AND logic here, not OR.

That is hardly “all the major vodkas”. It appears to be a random sampling from whatever the liquor store had that day.

Whether this is praise or insult depends largely on your friend’s stance on Putin.

Nah, no shame. Seagram’s gin is solid budget liquor. Gordon’s is another good value brand.

Nah. It’s fine. It doesn’t really matter what you mix with vodka, it’ll just wind up tasting like that mixer.