
Or Ewoks!

Scoob, what does the scouter say about his power level?!

One more that is for the more insane out there.

at least the GOP is consistent.

What’s kind of amazing to me is that she said ALL of that in only 6 sentences. It’s so many words that people probably thought she had actually said something. Future civilizations can look to this to illustrate the concept of “Word Salad”.

And I wonder what would be the best way for veterans to get the health care they need? BY THE VERY REFORMS THAT REPUBLICANS HAVE BEEN FIGHTING FOR FUCKING DECADES!

Sarah, the only ways the troops aren’t being supported are the ways that actually matter - healthcare, rehabilitation (physically, mentally, emotionally), resources for a successful integration back into society...

Guys I’ve known this planet existed since I was like 6.

Yeah, that model is huge. There has to be a steel keel supporting that weight, right?

I noticed something was off when they asked if I wanted P. coli de Gallo.

Cloning is all fun and games until the cloned prehistoric animal learns to open doors.

I’ve read the original article as well, and I’m still not 100% clear whether this is a really posable dummy, or if it’s like a knitted zentai suit that she makes her actual son wear. Neither option is not horrifying.

I can’t be the only one who saw him in the first teaser and cringed, thinking to ones self “This shit is just here to sell toys, isn’t it?”. I want to go back and smack early 2015 Bus Driver. We need a subtitled movie of BB-8 and R2-D2's wacky space adventures.

Lot of people on the GOP side who climbed a ladder to get where they are, and want to get elected so they can pull it up behind them.

With a lot of genetic engineering, a minor breakthrough in space craft design, and just a pinch of luck, I'll meet you all here for the 500th Gizmodo con.

Terrified of this ...

Did you “notice” the neons the morning after a dose of Ambien?

So much womanhood!

Maybe you had an extra ovary! IDK I have two uteruses and two cervixes so it doesn’t seem too weird to me. I am a bizarre freak of nature myself.