
“The right side of his body is kind of held together by metal bands,

Listen, and understand! Preston Garvey is out there! He can’t be bargained with. He can’t be reasoned with. He doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until you help that settlement!

The more I hear about planet formation in the solar system, the more I imagine Jupiter as a mom trying to get all the kids into the minivan.

I’m not a huge Trek fan nor a purist, but that jacket Pine is wearing is bothering me. It doesn’t feel Star Trek to me, but more SeaQuest (what I remember from SeaQuest anyway). It’s too “Navy” for my tastes. The rest of the uniforms are fine though.

The woman card gets us a ‘free’ drink we never asked for, but cordially accept for fear of repercussions and then get called a bitch slut for not leaving with the buyer.

other cards Hillary has or had:

I have a soft spot for 90's cartoon themes that end with the lead singer shouting the show's title as if he's about to die from a heart attack.

Emeril Lagasse pronounces it, “BAM!”.

Right after Michael Bolton does. Although since Bolton was a no-talent ass clown, not a talentless ass clown, might not be the same thing...

My pet peeve?

Don’t forget “should of” and “all intensive purposes.”

Nah, a proper english major would say there are no mistakes because english is not a prescriptive language with a central authority.

List for those who like to read:

Basically some of us, were like the baddest sharks in the oceanic playground. We were dreamers, and we knew there was something more out there for us. Like strip clubs and cocaine. So we said fuck these guys and through sheer will and because we believed, we swam in radioactive much and mutated and became the humans

Until I saw this, I had no idea it was not a hat. I can’t believe I never noticed it was hair.

Wait... That's her hair??

If they build the Crew Chief with a diesel the way it sits now...