It’s hard to tell the winners from the losers early on.
It’s hard to tell the winners from the losers early on.
Cool! Also, trigger discipline.
We had a Jake and an Alex in our circle of friends so Jake Alex ended up getting called Jalex.
She contoured the contours out of her face...
Nothing says awesome like totally unnecessary aileron rolls.
Am I seeing snake boobs in the header image?
My parents tell a story about my younger brother. When he was at the most two, they took him to the mall dressed in overalls. He was riding around on dad’s shoulders when my dad said he needed to be changed. My mom notices something brown at the kid’s neck an thinks he has food on him. She looks closer and actually he…
There’s a number of prescription and OTC pain meds that have caffeine to boost their effects.
I ran into this recently. It was indeed at a Shell station. WTF, Shell.
This kind of thing is what I’ve been trying to explain to my parents. For most of his life, my dad has had a regular job doing air conditioning repair, but does repairs on the side for himself after hours. (He has his own truck and tools and he follows all the company policies for this.)
Reading the headline made me nauseous.
When my cousin got married and pregnant, she and her hubby spent weeks talking the finer points of family cars with everyone that would listen, since their sedan didn’t have enough room for a baby. The talked about mini-vans, station wagons, Suburbans, everything under the sun. They kept on saying, “We need a family…
“Who knew that a pic like this would get so much negativity but a natural man will not understand things of the Spirit for they are foolishness to them!!” What is going on in this run-on of a sentence? Only unnatural men understand waiting until marriage? Capital S Spirit? Is that Spirit airlines? Some other…
Reminds me of the Aardman and Aardman short:
I keep reading “Lacoste” as “Lactose”.
I keep reading “Lacoste” as “Lactose”.
The turret is heavily mocked up to look like that. At least 2 of those cannons are fake and the center one s definitely made to look bigger than it would otherwise be. Probably a K1 tank body with a fabricated turret.
My pet peeve is people who apply soap and then start the water. Wet your hands first!
Probably at the pediatric dentist’s office. He had a Super Mario Bros arcade console and a 2-player Pac-Man table. I wanted to go to the dentist more so I could play video games!