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    All of that makes sense... but why does that tank have cannons mounted at 45 degrees to each other?

    It’s hard to tell the winners from the losers early on.

    Cool! Also, trigger discipline.

    We had a Jake and an Alex in our circle of friends so Jake Alex ended up getting called Jalex.

    She contoured the contours out of her face...

    Yeah, 3.5" is the short dimension of the screen.

    Will any of that help Siri learn the difference between Amazon and Amazon Music so I can listen to my music hands-free?

    Right now, they have some observations of Kuiper belt objects that don’t make sense based on the bodies we know about. Scientists are exploring what unknown objects could explain the motion they’re seeing.

    The evidence we have for it is in very slight perturbations of Kuiper belt objects. ancient astronomers couldn’t make observations precisely enough to measure objects this distant. Neptune wasn’t even discovered until 1846. The Kuiper belt wasn’t even theorized until the 1940s and 1950s, and only observed later in the

    What is that from? I have missed out on some B-movie goodness.

    Aside from the whitewashing issues, which are serious, there’s also the question of the setting. Are they transplanting the story to the USA? If so, they must be throwing out the 3 separate nations USA split into after WWIII.

    Do Japanese people draw Asian smiley faces? They don’t go to the effort to mark every image as Asian, they read Asian features into unmarked, neutral art. We look at neutral features and see Caucasian influences because we are reading our bias onto a neutral figure.

    It’s actually pretty logical. Superman has been observed as having emotions. Thus, he is capable of burning out or going into a rage. Superman has enough power to accidentally end life as we know it if he isn’t extremely careful. If he is emotionally compromised, then there’s a chance (possibly small and possibly

    Nothing says awesome like totally unnecessary aileron rolls.

    Am I seeing snake boobs in the header image?

    So he can pick out one signal among the thousands of GPS, cell phone, wi-fi, bluetooth, FM, TV, and CB radio transmissions?

    My parents tell a story about my younger brother. When he was at the most two, they took him to the mall dressed in overalls. He was riding around on dad’s shoulders when my dad said he needed to be changed. My mom notices something brown at the kid’s neck an thinks he has food on him. She looks closer and actually he

    My favorite single biome moment was on SG1. Due to a Stargate mishap, two characters get shunted to a gate they didn’t intend to go to. They’re in an ice cave and one of them gets injured. The other climbs up to an opening and looks out. Despairing, she exclaims, “It’s an ice planet!”


    I want to know more about this beast.