My girlfriend’s ex-girlfriend got a Macbook because she needs the video card for video game design. If I think about it too much I beat my head against the wall. I’ll bet she wishes she bought this instead.
My girlfriend’s ex-girlfriend got a Macbook because she needs the video card for video game design. If I think about it too much I beat my head against the wall. I’ll bet she wishes she bought this instead.
I work for a hotel that was a no-name brand, then got franchised a couple years ago. Under the no-name brand, the only significant traffic we got was convention events, so in between the building was a ghost town. To compensate for this, the bar and restaurant staff got paid minimum wage plus tips. Corporate brand…
Amazon is telling me that both those promotion codes are expired.
Amazon is telling me that both those promotion codes are expired.
I got tired of seeing Remember the Titans. That tape went through so many teachers’ hands.
Here’s the thing: in handgun made in the last 40 years or so has a safety mechanism to prevent the gun from firing when it’s dropped. It’s a lot more likely that he negligently had his finger on the trigger or let a foreign object like a pen get into the holster. It’s also possible he was carrying an older handgun…
What chain of events led to this?
No, it’s made from the snake’s venom. You have to coax the snake into injecting venom into a container, then wait for the snake to replace its supply of venom before you can collect again. It’s labor-intensive and risky work.
In what way was Kirk “working class”? He’s the goddamn captain, perched in a plush chair. He’s on top of the heap. He’s senior management.
I grabbed this the last time this deal came up. Works great.
I grabbed this the last time this deal came up. Works great.
Despite the fact that the phone cuts off before it is overcharged anyway.
Good question. Leaning her head forward and tilted down. Weird position.
I still have Robin Thicke crosswired with Robin Leach in my mind.
Since it’s amphibious, maybe I can use yacht tax loopholes. Start a business doing lakeside and off-road tours.
My dream is to import an OT-64 8x8 amphibious APC.
To build housing for the homeless, first they would have to buy some cheap real estate and... Foiled at step one. Where are you going to find affordable housing in New York?