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    If you only have one person assigned, production time gets worse as room size goes up. A bigger room produces more resources, though. The Radio studio seems to only “produce” if you have it fully-staffed. If you have one guy with great Intelligence, the Rush chance for Stimpaks and RadAways will be lowest if you put

    Won’t your population die out because they won’t commit incest?


    I didn’t realize it for a long time, but riding the bus keeps my social anxiety at a low boil. By the time I get home, I’m exhausted. I thought about biking to work from my previous apartment, but now my route into work would have no bike lanes and much more traffic.

    Yeah, most people just view lettuce as a substrate to move more salad dressing to their mouth.

    I would put a turret on top of my house.

    Since Mark Wahlberg is a felon, how does he shoot movies with guns on set?

    Morning = I’m not exhausted from a day at work.

    Remember, you have to direct the exhaust outside the area you’re trying to cool

    Remember, you have to direct the exhaust outside the area you’re trying to cool

    Yonic refers to something looking like a vulva, though.

    Free buckets!

    I was at a BDSM convention when my friends went nuts telling me about a guy dressed as Jesus who looked exactly like me. Maybe it was me from the future; I have long hair now, but didn’t back then.

    And is that a neck massage pillow with nipples? And a gunshot wound on her shoulder? What is going on here?

    A few years back during the last gas price hike, people rushed to more efficient cars and the waiting list for hybrids was out the door. Now that gas prices are down, everyone has forgotten those lessons and is back to gas guzzlers.

    What am I looking at?

    My girlfriend has a pearlescent cat figurine about 4 inches tall. Her flesh-and-blood, klutzy cat knocked it off her dresser. I checked on it, fearing the worst and I found it... perfectly alright, sitting on its base.

    My girlfriend’s cat loves to play with those rubber wristbands that were popular as a fundraiser a while back.

    This looks like what they attempt where I work.

    I dislike ceramic cooktops. They don't have nooks and crannies, but you need a special cleaner to clean them. If a little something dribbles on the eye, you have to get to it fast or it will cook on. If you have older pans without perfectly flat bottoms, the ceramic cooktop won't work as well with them.

    How to create a budget and stick to it.