
I had to look that one up. Per M/W:

I swear those guys just use an internet random description generator!

am i the only one who thinks that looks like a giant umbilical cord? is that a giant umbilical cord??? what is happening???

Bruce tried to ease himself back into the deck chair. He wriggled his limbs, willing them to relax. The sun on his face felt wrong. Last time his face had felt this hot someone was holding a blow torch to it. It’s just the sun, he told himself. People like the sun. People on vacation. People like me.

WHAT is the capital of Assyria?

To all those wondering... Carbonating only water is absolutely due to adverse nucleation. What you are doing with one of these machines is forcing a compressed gas to dissolve in a liquid. The bottles are designed to hole the pressure of the gas as it has no where to escape to until the water can absorb it, and it has

25 guys in ONE NIGHT? Seems like that would hurt.


Yep, because there’s only this one sketchy piece of evidence for it. Just the one. Now the Bible, there’s something with a lot of evidence behind it!

First you let a witch bless your legislature, and next thing you know you’re diverting aid to Hogsmeade and spending half your defense budget on developing anti-Dementor weapons. It’s a slippery slope, Iowa.

God I love when they’re all directly confronted with what inclusion means. If you’re gonna let one religion in, you have to let them all!

"I need to restore my potency. Round up more podlings!"

I have a theory that there's a shady deal between construction companies and some of the higher ups in the city. The city officials pay the construction companies for projects that will never be finished, and money is split between them. Those bastard city officials are the ones who should be in jail, I tell ya.

A range finder would be great... but it's actually just a way to keep 100kt winds out of your eyes and mouth. Covering the mouth helps eliminate wins noise on comms.

Ever smelt that? It's terrible. Plus you have to keep the beetles and bones sealed away - they'll eat anything, and if they get loose, they'll start to destroy all of your belonings.