
am i the only one who thinks that looks like a giant umbilical cord? is that a giant umbilical cord??? what is happening???

25 guys in ONE NIGHT? Seems like that would hurt.


First you let a witch bless your legislature, and next thing you know you’re diverting aid to Hogsmeade and spending half your defense budget on developing anti-Dementor weapons. It’s a slippery slope, Iowa.

God I love when they’re all directly confronted with what inclusion means. If you’re gonna let one religion in, you have to let them all!

Seriously. This actually looks like my typical grocery haul for one person when I’m feeling motivated to cook...and it lasts me like 1-2 days tops because I get hungry and grumpy when I eat like that and binge eat a half pound of beans with hot sauce at 3 AM. Is that for her family too? Do they each get a lime to suck

A friend has a theory that if you're a character in New York and "do stuff" long enough, you'll eventually become a known

A range finder would be great... but it's actually just a way to keep 100kt winds out of your eyes and mouth. Covering the mouth helps eliminate wins noise on comms.

She’s right, though. I sprung fully-grown from my father’s forehead at about age 25. #Athena

VULVA. Not vagina. It ain’t a tube, yo.

I love how the cat doesn’t even look after knocking the tv onto his face.

That might actually be better than my Kinja gif

It’s the only time all season the Cubs will be anywhere near number 1.

As long as both parties are cool with it, I see no problem.

yoga kilt??

Three words: Lego Hedonism-Bot