
Those Bolse speakers will go great with the rest of my electronics

Either her contract is up soon or her contract is bulletproof.

Someone broke Megyn Kelly and I'm loving every. fucking. second.

My first modem was 300 baud, and the bits had to travel uphill, both ways, through two feet of snow.

And a new vet.

Clearly hadn't used up all 9 lives. Hang in there Bart!

Since we can't misgender a store, let's all start calling them Sears Fifth Avenue, see how they feel about that.

Sounds like the "bloater space drive" used in Harry Harrison's novel "Bill the Galactic Hero"

You buried the lede Jia! So I put slices of raw eggplant with jarred tomato sauce and mozzarella!

I'm imagining a extraction movie plot where the secret data is stored on one of these hidden in a legos figure.

Beat this game and you get your own ship. (Snazzy uniform and wise cracking sidekick included.) How can it get cooler than that?

Image not shown: the conservators involved.

Here we have the majestic F-35 in it's natural habitat, the hanger.

Good. Can't wait for my multipass.

If the employee did not want to wear the bikini on TV and couldn't opt for the t-shirt, why fire her? Just let her go home for the day or don't film her. Firing her is just being an extra big, gaping asshole for the fun of being an extra big, gaping asshole. And I can totally understand her not wanting to be

I'm going to open a testeraunt.

Brilliant. Now, how do we get them to read/recognize themselves? And dudes, nothings is more repulsive than waving your fiscal dick around. Any woman who cares, you do not want.