

I lived for a while, overseas, with a . . . let's say a motley crew of expatriates. One of the Australians - who very loudly lost her virginity fifteen feet from my bed - told me that she wanted to see America, but only the "real America."

Now playing

Dedicated coin sorting devices only barely qualify as useful gadgets at best. The amount of money they cost is rarely worth the time they save unless you deal with a large number of coins in your life. Rather than waste the cash on buying one for yourself (or worse, the fees typically charged by coin sorters in

It was kind of annoying when they did Adventure Time toys. The show has a ton of great female characters and there were only toys featuring a handful of the male characters.

When will the world stop shooting video in portrait?

It was never a fair fight between fundamentalist Christianity and D&D. One was a dangerous system full of dark mysticism and threats to warp a young mind beyond repair, and the other was a tabletop RPG.

Also that boy up there is wearing some dragon scale lookin leggings, and I WANT SOME!

That non-solution is the worst. I was also told as a kid all the things that I was doing wrong to make bullies target me, and I did my best to change it. But you know what? It didn't help. It didn't change a single goddamn thing, because at the end of the day, the bully doesn't give a shit about what backpack this kid

But something that large; how do you keep the underside lit enough to avoid zombies, skeletons, and creepers?

Just sayin'