
Wouldn't it be cheaper and more fun if everyone just drove amphibious vehicles?

There was stiff competition to win the commission to design the sculpture, and once the lucky artist was chosen he didn't dick around, but got right to the thick of it.

We call the whole process "sharking" due to the similarity between car antennas moving along the rows and dorsal fins.

So cool! Thanks for letting us film you, Puppy-Tissue Falkor Fish!

Sam Carter of Stargate, other then a few hiccups in the beginning, subverted many tropes and pitfalls we get with women on television and sci fi. She was a scientist and not in one of the sciences that women get relegated to, biology or what not, she built amazing crap. She wasn't the touchy feely heart of the team,

I don't think Uncle Josh had much to do with music.

"Christmas Penny Mambo" by the Rednosed Three is a great holiday tune.

Some people put the cut-off a few weeks before the start of the chart.

Interesting concept but painting is about the hardest part of making a custom action figure. I've customized numerous GI Joes and a couple of Transformers and getting a decent paint job is no easy task. Throw in the fact that these look fairly... um... crummy? and I'd much rather buy any number of high quality Marvel

Yes, by all means, I'm going to buy a new phone. Let's see, that'll be $175 early termination fee (prorated, halfway thru my contract). And then the new phone: what, $200 at least? Oh, and plus a couple of spare battery packs, let's be generous and say $25 each. I'm at $425 to avoid spending $15 on an external

Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

or just drive the speed limit

I dont get it, based on sight, sound, or what?

a mutually faithful monogamous relationship in context of marriage is the expected standard of human sexual activity,

Government regulated internet freedom? What could possibly go wrong?

How do I know how much paper I need for this? Is there some way to measure how much paper should be cut from the roll based on package size?

yep, no idea what this game is

This is quite possibly the best and most useful Lifehacker post of all time.