Locomotive Jones

Giving you 48 hours to apologize before Locomotive Jones flags your comment for hate speech.

You’re the loneliest person in the world.

You’re in rare form tonight, Jones. You’ll get that Purple Heart yet!

Now playing

I can’t even see a rebroadcast of Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.

Here’s a tip: Regardless of what you think your neighbor’s dog told you, your breakfast cereal is not laughing at you.

You’ve got an asshole. Get to it.

So they love you until they get to know you?

Between this and your really weak attempt at trolling in the article about female enlistment...it’s time to call it a night big guy.

“Fuck this guy.” *Cries*

You laugh at Locomotive?

I’d much rather be treated the same as anyone else than a delicate flower

Now that is a handsome man. Locomotive Jones is quite gorgeous himself, but even he feels a thrill going up his leg when he looks at the Adonis Trump. Locomotive is not gay, but appreciates the artistry involved in the creation of this fine specimen.

Benn hitting the booze, have we? I can tell when you drink ;)

I would have been proud to be a draft dodger! My dad got of ‘nam, and my gramps got himself a cushy desk job by learning morse code in Dubya Dubya Two. Family Tradition, just like Trump and his granpappy!!!

You’ve probably never ended a relationship. The woman just probably runs away screaming.

Yes, because I’m fighting for equality — not preferential treatment.

As a veteran’s wife and as someone that dreamed of serving since I was a girl but can’t because of life threatening illness, go fuck yourself with a cactus you abominable twat.

Better Trombone Jones, because I’m definitely imagining the Sad Trombone sound as this guy’s sad little straw woman goes up in flames.

I am sure Trump will have a hotness scale to make sure women are placed at the appropriate locations in combat. Low end are on the front lines high numbers are in Trump tower.

What difference would that make? Men have been dodging the draft since 1860. I’m a male and 10 yrs ago I had a detailed plan on how to avoid service if “W” decided to start drafting for his Iraq debacle.