Locomotive Jones

I’ll look out for your comments rubbing the election in our faces and demonstrating hatred for women. Sleep well bb

Right now you do but I expect you’ll go back to making me disappointed in humanity again tomorrow.

Unpopular opinion: I think that song is fun

Again, I wish you were this funny all the time.

Way deep down south, where we play this game
It’s them Quad City DJs and you
We call it the train
So if you wanna ride your thing

Lol now this is getting funny. I gotta say, the moment you let the mask slip and started playing the bongos along to a 45 of the Might Mouse theme, it clicked. Far better than the Gatsby schtick or the wrestling.

Way deep down south, where we play this game
It’s them Quad City DJs and you
We call it the train
So if you wanna ride your thing

Dream big Loco Jones, dream big

Lol you’re a real hoot Locomotive Jones, got us all knee-slappin’

You’re in rare form tonight, Jones. You’ll get that Purple Heart yet!

Why can’t you be this intentionally funny all the time?

I’m sorry... your name is too “Hispanic” sounding... you will be deported in January.

Will do!

You girls wanna be equal so it’s time to put on your chin straps and get to work. It’s only fair.

Look at that Buzzword-ridden gob of excrement. Then of course Jezebel puts its own cheery on top with the cliche “trans” “sexest” “equality” “additional-buzzword” garbage it horseshoes into EVERY article. Goddamn the US is a joke, much like this site.

Thanks :)

Why are you so obsessed with this one poster? There are other trolls here, and he actually posts somewhat reasonable stuff usually.

1) He’s not correct. And that’s the main problem.

You stick out as jelly.