Locomotive Jones

As the wife of a disabled veteran, you can go fuck right off. You clearly know nothing of what it is to serve.

lol. Like you could ever even make a statement like that with any reliability. You’re such a fucking joke around here dude. Keep it coming.

Will u?

Lol there it is.

So you waste six months of her time and yours?

The thing is that some of us aren’t property, and our lives shouldn’t be restricted by your feelings.

Because you own them and you don’t want some other man telling them what to do, right?

Did you know you’re not allowed to eat when you’re laboring?

Do you really think I present this asshole persona when I’m trying to get laid? It takes six months of a relationship before I actually reveal my politics.

Makes sense since I’d hate to be you.

What war did you fight in...?

And it just really pisses you off, doesn’t it?

Are women not allowed to be conscientious objectors now?

Aw da choo choo twain is derailing because his comment didn’t get the reaction he wanted.

They should call you Saxophone Jones cuz you blew it.

Equality would be worrying about how it would feel to eject an eight pound baby human through my penis 9 months after unprotected sex.

So, your sad, misguided comment failed to do what you expected

I’ve said for years I wouldn’t be opposed to having to sign up for selective service — if nothing else it’s one less “but do you REALLY want equality? What about FIGHTING in WARS?” comment to have to shoot down.

“This is what equality looks like” - Yeah we know this is what we’ve been fighting for.

Women wold not be forced to serve unless in the event of a national emergency, like another world war. While that thought is reassuring for now, thinking about the situations we might find ourselves in a few years down the road under a new administration is sobering.