
“Doesn’t matter their background or if you understand their world view, if in someway even a kernel of possible disrespect can be seen in your possible actions maybe don’t do it.”

Yeah, the way running a marathon hard fucks with your head is the part that cannot be who hasn’t done it and knows that it’s “like, really, really hard.”

People who pump septic tanks have to deal with your shit, but they don’t have to deal with your shit, if you catch my drift. If people commonly say rude things to their sanitation and waste workers, then I’ll agree with you on this.

Yes, someone committing fraud is “annoying.”

You’re clearly right that nothing is perfect, but it does seem like gymnastics has several risk factors beyond other sports, like the need to advance before an adolescent peak, the individual nature of the sport, the competition between athletes on the same team, and the body obsession.

One more quick reply: the failure to understand what is near universal response to sexual trauma makes me think that you’re someone who’s never thought that he might be victimized himself. Imagine being the victim of a hazing incident that goes way too far, forced to commit sex acts in prison, stranger raped by

The answer I’ve seen a lot in the “me too” stories is victims feel like if they were strong enough they would have acted differently to stop the abuse or to respond better after the fact. We all want to feel like we’re too strong to be abused, and finding out otherwise feels shameful.

You’ve already gotten a lot of shit, so I won’t pile on. I’ll just say: when something is this common, your reaction shouldn’t be this incredulous. This doctor molested literally hundreds of girls before he was stopped — clearly there are bigger dynamics at play here.

If you ignore the assumption that Gary Anderson is too boring to do anything untoward, the expectation for a football coach walking away from this type of situation is that the school has evidence of dead hookers or forged exams (the latter being more problematic to the NCAA) and the coach agreed to walk away instead

At the end of a 2:20 marathon, the brain has largely turned off, so I can see how it’s possible.

I’ve watched every Packers game for the last couple of decades. I can’t remember a worse hit in years from the perspective as being as vicious and as unnecessary.

This shouldn’t be hard, even for a Bears fan. The rule is that a player can’t use his helmet as a weapon while hitting a defenseless player. That’s not what offensive linemen do when they push the pile. The issue here is that Trevathan was headhunting a defenseless player, not that he was part of a gang tackle.

As long as Tottenham keeps Arsenal from it’s 4th place trophy...

“For whatever reason”?

Even hourly workers care about the quality of the job they’re doing. If a Chipotle has a very long line, all of the people in line are likely to feel like they’re getting bad service.

It wasn’t really fair since T&T weren’t allowed to use their toboggans.

Wouldn’t it be much more beneficial to Kinja readers to offer tips on cleaning up their morals?

Not drinking it within a week.

Not the team owned by a Russian oil tycoon?

If an American fan is going to pick a team, Arsenal splits the difference between obvious front running and picking a team that will never be relevant to anything.