Thank you. At least from the post, there’s also no comparison to steady state cardio, which isn’t trendy but is a lot easier for people to do over the long haul.
Thank you. At least from the post, there’s also no comparison to steady state cardio, which isn’t trendy but is a lot easier for people to do over the long haul.
Depending on your drinking habits, the downside of the box is that you lack the enforced natural stopping point. Splitting a bottle of wine is a reasonable amount for two people to drink, and it’s easy to not go open another bottle. I have any issue with “well, just one more glass” when drinking from a box of wine.
I believe the line he was looking for was “I, like Jesus, can’t carve worth shit.”
That’s why they’re a good pair. He’s not much of a thrower.
God, anywhere but Bayern. That’s just asking to get buried on the bench.
No, not Chelsea. He should follow Klopp to Liverpool instead.
Landon Donovan was really good at 18.
Ah, yes. The righties were lining up to read Jezebel for its hard hitting facts, but then...a Bane joke. And now it’s all over.
It seems like “let players choose whether to play for their club or their country” is a reasonable option.
I like that commercial.
I’m confused. Why not just buy Fireball?
This attitude about how to succeed is entirely beneficial to the entitled. Who can afford to take a job for the joy of being part of a team? People whose parents are footing the bills.
The Trump-resistant Republicans are much more likely to fall in line if they are seen as aligned with Clinton and Obama. They’re better off staying away.
Also, how stupid do you have to be to believe that? Your dude says in front of a crowd that he favors a gay genocide, but other than that he’s always expressed the utmost respect for his fellow man. *Insert Jennifer Lawrence “OK, sure” GIF*
The look from the elevator operator to the sheriff is worth more words than Trump’s net worth.
Not to be a buzz kill, but is there a chance he uses performance enhancers to aid that recovery? I imagine that for a guy running 26.2 miles/day steroids would help with recovery but wouldn’t make make him huge (and he carries quite a bit of muscle for a guy who runs that much).
SCOTUS can’t just go back and overturn any case they think is bad law. Fortunately, it’s difficult to find a modern case to decide that would require overturning Korematsu — or at least at will be until Trump starts interning Muslims.
If this is about CTE, why not mention CTE instead of the crimes and the crazy-looking picture?
The answer: anywhere, as long as you don’t mind being part of a constitutional test case. Bans on ballot selfies are almost certainly a violation of the First Amendment, as several courts have agreed.
What about getting into Harvard would lead these guys to think that they aren’t entitled to do whatever they want whenever they want?