May that be the only wall this asshat ever gets built!
May that be the only wall this asshat ever gets built!
That guy in the main photo looks a little like jim spanfeller, and jim spanfeller is a herb.
That would be wonderful. Fingers crossed.
It would be wonderful if any of them could join us.
What hypocrisy? That’s another narrative I’m not fond of. Evangelicals, just Because they believe in a religion, have no special hold on morality. One might even argue that religion in general, and their brand in particular, dulls any actually interrogation of morality to the point that whatever dubious power…
He’s complicit. As are all of the religious right who purposed chose Trump in the 2016 primaries over actually religious candidates and continue to prop him up with ridiculous hypocrisy.
Speaking of the writers, I hope the new Discord will help us all keep track of them. So many talented people, past and present. They deserve a continued audience even if these shitheads don’t value them.
Hmmm, looks like Trump’s beloved wall isn’t so secure, after all.
Well, you will need a sturdy pair of scissors to get through that construction paper wall.
Fuck EVERYONE involved with this!
From myopicprophet:
Can all journalists stop giving mike pence the benefit of the doubt? Like it’s clear he’s either a) as complicit as the rest of the fucking monsters in this administration (who also get too much deference) or b) willfully ignorant. Both are unacceptable. You don’t see any historians defending Hindenburg, why act like…
I am so so tired of these pigs. Fuck them all. And especially fuck the parents of these children
I have a Kate Spade bag right here - it’s lovely and I’m crazy about it. I did not pay full retail because that’s just silly when you can get a designer bag for much less if you try - even fancy ones are available sometimes with little or NO use. Sometimes even the price tags are still on them.
I once had a waitress drop a 16 oz. Coke in my lap, ice and all.
Yeah, if you don’t want parking lot dings on your car, keep it out of the parking lot.
Jeez... Look, if you take stuff out in public then you are risking its condition, because people are klutzes, well documented bug about humanity, and if you take it to a place where food or drink are served then you risk food or drink being spilled on it, because that is something that happens from time to time.…
I wonder where she had her bag. If it was on the table, it’s reasonable to expect that it might get some food or drink on it. If an item is damaged by a waiter, it’s not unreasonable to expect them to make it right, but when you have an item that costs as much as a car on the table, it is unreasonable. Part of that is…