lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

Thanks :) same to you.

Hugs, neighbour. We’ll get through this. 

Ha! I totally agree about the morbid humor.

If your house burns down, it will at least smell nice?

Possible? They don’t smell cedar-y (but they are also old). It is a nice smell but given that I am in northern CA (currently extremely on fire), I maybe don’t need straight up fire scent...

I think the second amendment still allows adults to have knives, which are multi-purpose tools unlike firearms.

Hi Feelin! A few handy links, since I dug into the science for you:

You know that it is perfectly fine to breathe through a mask and it will help people not die.

Now explain the continued existence of Donald J. Trump and how it fits into your dumb little explanation of how capitalism works.

*Looks at US, its politics, and its economy in 2019*

Say what now?

Sit on it, Potsie

I’m amazed this even got published. I was really thinking there was a firing-level edict against even mentioning the shutdown and firings.

It was a deliberate decision b/c Spanfeller and Great Hill Partners serve the needs of the capitalist class. They are taking a financial loss on this particular group of sites to shut down a voice which could inspire others to ultimately organize towards their doom.

Then how do you explain Donald Trump? A lifelong incompetent fuckup, whose failed business ventures were propped up by enough money and mouth-breathing rubes to guarantee he never actually had to work a day of his life.

Glares over at Comcast.

Hey, look who’s here to remind everyone that the death of Splinter isn’t *all* bad.

Shutting down the only dedicated politics website in your portfolio right before the 2020 election, one of the most consequential of our lifetime, kicks into high gear. Essentially shutting down the second-most highly trafficked website in your portfolio because one out of every twenty five posts rankles you. I’m not

Wait wait wait... Are you saying that coal *doesn’t* grow back if you let the empty mines lie fallow for a couple years?

The thing is, none of this is going to save coal. Coal is dead, the corpse just hasn’t stopped moving around yet.

The worst is that Trump is doing this because he was butt-hurt over a comedy roast.