lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

He doesn’t understand what forests are, how rivers work, or even what his own damned job is.

The motor ball arc took up a full two volumes of the manga, and it introduced characters that Gally/Alita repeatedly remembered through both that series and the Last Order continuation.

heh. This was just mentioned in one of Cracked’s recent articles:

I’m just skeptical that someone familiar with snakes would both let it wrap around their neck, and also give it reason to tighten.

agreements that the school would obey state law

they are kinda neat to look at, but IMHO, ~90% of the time they are boring, and just sitting there.  Those few times they are eating or skin-shedding can be pretty fascinating, though.

It purportedly belongs to Benton County Sheriff Don Munson

Why don’t they stick to artists who approve of them?

any potential validity was tossed out the window in November of 2016


ach, that’s especially gross...

She said that warrants issued due to a defendant’s failure to appear dropped by approximately EIGHTY FUCKING PERCENT.

Not just started the fire, but told everybody to flee when it was at a stage where it could have been stomped out by a few dedicated people.

Someone must be giving Voltaire’s Prayer a heavy workout...

The Really Online Lefty League

How much of a weenie do you have to be to contact the secret service over lyrics?

I think it has something to do with the increase of abstinence-only “sexed” classes, as well as the gutting of public schools and other public serving resources.

You can also use the moon at night (or, whenever it’s visible...) as long as it isn’t full or new.