lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

Hey Alexa, I’m a 1% white guy and there is this website that keeps badmouthing me and my friends, what can I do?

Rihanna is a pretty decent actor too. Easily the best part of Valerian and the Shitshow of a Thousand Planets or Battleship for that matter.

Just ban AirBnB..

White Queen, yo.

She was that sparkly diamond lady in x-men (60's period) and mad men's wife. Even knowing that, I still can't 'see' that it's her.

You might even familiar accounts there...

Not surprised. Why keep giving revenue to shitty asshole VCs by sticking around here?

This place has gotten boring really quick.

From what I’ve heard, the Winchester House is really a fabricated Urban myth. All of the dead ends and other weird construction oddities is pretty common when you have a large house that has extra wings and floors added. Usually these things are hidden and plastered over, but in this caae the heirs have left them

Yeah “Alexa” would comprise its voice recordings, since that’s part of the service. And you access them through the Alexa app. The best parallel I could think of was Google; how you don’t have to spell out “Google’s search engine...” for people to understand. 

I would suggest googling “Deadspin” and reading the news coverage of the site on any other website from the last few days.

I may be old, but what’s wrong with Rollerblading? The motorball scene was fucking amazing.

Also, hilariously, new DS posts are going up under an anonymous byline. That definitely is a good look for all involved.

Hey Kinja commenters!

Hey Kinja commenters!

Hey Kinja commenters!

Alexa may be the key to solving an already somewhat bizarre Florida case where a woman was killed by a footlong spear to the chest

Join us, everybody! It's fun!

They are shutting down posts and they are shutting down users who speak negatively of the coward that rhymes with spamteller.

This particular comment is dated