lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

Some cliffhangers could make really good finales. This was not one of them. I wanted to see what happened. Still do.

Nice shout out to the underrated Sarah Connor Chronicles. Man, I wish we’d gotten another season. It would have been amazing.

Damn. It’s almost as if the new site owners are purposely trying to sink this ship. Hmmm...

How do those boots taste?

That’s because the pissbaby corporate overlords removed any critical posts from all of the sites.

Certainly the ones handling this particular suspect didn’t seem to. We’ve had skirmishes with the Taliban that involved less firepower.

Says who? Because you ought to know better than to take the cops at face value; that is unless you're on some other agenda like downplaying how problematic "law enforcement" is. 

It’s the same one that started the Deadspin issue.  That was posted on each group, and was about the autoplay ads.  Management deleted the posts in violation of the cba. 

All this for a shoplifter...and merely a *suspected* shoplifter at that.

Can someone please fucking tell me what an officer of the law has to do to be held accountable for their actions? Maybe if they blew up a Dunkin Donuts the judge would’ve given a fuck. This is beyond negligent it is a complete abdication of any sense of decency or common sense. Who in the fuck trains someone to react

Yeah, exactly, the guy who took out Granby City Hall and the mayor’s house and a bunch of other buildings with a Komatsu he had armored with steel plates and concrete.

(cops sitting around smoking cigarettes in a room, looking nervous. Looking at the clock, and the phone on the table..(ring))

Dear Future Walmart shoplifters -

Seriously - we saw what happened to Deadspin but I have no idea what’s happening behind the scenes for The Root.

Marvin Heemeyer showed us for all time exactly how to deal with shitty local CO municipal governments.

I can’t believe that the reasoning they gave was that the cops couldn’t be bothered by the consequences of their actions. Really saying the quiet part loud, huh?

All that for a fucking shoplifter.  Police have no idea what “proportional force” is.

I’m surprised this sort of thing doesn’t happen more often. This is what happens when you give military equipment to bored ass cops in small ass towns.

Can these CO cops find an apt. on 87th ST in NYC?

Now playing

I’d like to see said brass try to do this shit before commenting on physique