lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

Everyone will be able to point, but the double standard for men and women will probably persist. 

Idk, Esther’s GMG Union profile pic is pretty unambiguous. 

But not fading away quickly enough, and there seem to be plenty of yoots out there who’re following in their crusty-ass narrow-minded footsteps.  

Lol, look up “white sharia” and change your calculus. 

Do you really think so, though? Because when it comes to women it feels like everything moves really fucking slowly. I’m betting about 100 years before everyone’s blase about it. 

I saw a tweet the other day that essentially said we’re progressing towards a future where more and more women that are running for office will absolutely have sent nude photos to people at some point throughout their life. So how we navigate that and make the tide turn away from shaming and into accepting that it’s

Are the jez writers unable or unwilling to comment on what’s happened with Deadspin?

Calling them cowards is an insult to cowards.

the comments being turned off for all of those articles is irksome and lame. Jim and Co are cowards

This! He has never had a normal interaction with another human being in his life.

Probably because every time Melanie sees him she says "oh my god, how are you still alive you fat fuck?!"

To him, marriage is a transaction and nothing more. He lacks the empathy and humility to understand that his point of view on marriage is not the norm, because people outside of Donald Trump aren’t really real to him.

I don’t think one single person would be sad if he died. Melania would just go spend money.

When telling my husband’s sister we weren’t going to take our daughter to Catholic school, we actually got a response of “But if you don’t indoctrinate her early, how will she grow up to be religious?” She was 100% serious.

I would say that 2016 validated the EC b/c it gave voice to fly over states and neglected states so that NY and CA could not bring about a Clinton presidency.

I moved to Detroit 2 years ago and was very confused that I get a break on my property taxes for being a full time resident rather than an out-of-town landlord. That discount comes from the school budget. This seems ass-backward to me.

(I don’t have offspring so the school system was not a factor in relocating.)

Hell houses and the like are awful and abusive, sure, but they barely scratch the surface in terms of the harmful insidiousness of religious thought. The harms caused by the notion of a life after death are downright demoralizing when you notice how widespread such beliefs are.

You did the right thing by not introducing them to Christianity. To this day I’m dealing with the traumatic effects of what my mother did to me. You spared them years of self-hatred, fear and anxiety.

I don’t know who should pay for it, but you’re absolutely right, property taxes aren’t the way to do it. Perhaps more federal dollars need to be diverted away from the defense fund and to public education. Even then, as my friend says, it would need to be more about equity than equality. As long as there are schools

I hope that the plaintiffs win their case. There should be a right to high quality education passed as a federal law.