lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

I tried this after having seen a post on Reddit about it. I have two cats. Care to guess which never does what he's supposed to do?

They probably think you need that space for something important and said fuck it, this is ours now.

Those markings are just two-dimensional boxes.

hahahaha i love this. i fucking love cats. they're so stupid and amazing and hilarious.

TCHQ here,

No post about cats or boxes is complete without Maru

Or a better analogy might be if your girlfriend pretended to respect you as a person and respect your boundaries, only to violate these things later to try to get in your pants.

The guy that walks in yelling about his reading list and his personal practices is the guy that I do not trust, even a little, because to do so is to miss the point entirely.

"Overall, not believing in God seems to make people and their offspring more tolerant. Less racist. Less sexist. Enviro-friendly."

Avoid cracks altogether! When your cutting board is looking whitish and dry, apply a mineral oil-based, food-safe conditioner to it! They're dirt cheap on Amazon, last a long time and restore the natural coloration of the wood:

It makes me SUPER uncomfortable when the left wing, the supposed bastions of inclusivity and PROGRESSIVE THINKING COME ON IT SAYS SO RIGHT IN THE NAME OF THE MOVEMENT starts hammering the same tired sexist stereotypes as the conservative dinosaurs we're trying to get rid of. We're supposed to be above shit like this,

a lot of the names we consider to be girl's names actually used to be boy's names

He doesn't have much (if any?) facial hair, he doesn't have a visible adam's apple, he doesn't have a strong jaw, his voice is rather high for an American man's. Both the lesbian and the trans man comments are riffing off the same tropes about gendered bodies. :/

Can you call a child by this name? It's a name for boys and girls. Would you never call a child by this name? It's not a name for children, probably not a name for use in public either.

Thanks. I really wish I had a trans woman of color to turn to on this issue. I've covered a few murders of trans women in the past year, but the truth is, this is so constant that I could run one almost every week. We need a trans voice of color to put this wider pattern into perspective and speak to the unique

sorry for the hijack, but I found this on my Twitter feed and you might wanna run with it.

The comments about him being an old lesbian (looking at you John Stewart) are very homophobic, and I've never approved of them. I have also heard a few comments that he's a trans man who has so successfully passed during his life that he's getting more outspoken because he's afraid someone will pay more attention to

oh, definitely.