I'm pretty sure that breaking the nose of any random person who grabs your arse is the appropriate response.
I would see Rambella starring Gina Carano, like, right now.
Sigourney Weaver and Linda Hamilton need to make an action movie together.
I would totally watch a Sigourney Weaver as-she-is-now action movie. If all the other old farts still get to make them, why not her?
I think racism is as pervasive among Missouri police as it is in nearly every police department in America, which is to say: pretty fucking pervasive.
According to that line of reasoning, the average straight white man is such a pathetic baby that he can't watch movies unless all the characters look and act exactly like him. Nobody ever goes, "Will Native American lesbians with cerebral palsy watch Indiana Jones, even though he's not a Native American lesbian with…
Sigourney weaver circa Aliens.
rambo w a woman? would watch.
How does this orange imbecile have time to weigh in on a Ghostbusters remake? Isn't he busy pretending to run for President and ruining skylines worldwide building his tacky eyesores everywhere?
Something I've always admired about Donald Trump is that he's a really relaxed guy. Sometimes when I'm in yoga and…
I love the shit out of artesanal wheat bread, thank you very much. The more seeds and shit the better!
Sadly, it's actually a sign of progress that the police are willing to arrest a white man for assaulting a black server, at all.
I would probably order the wheat bread even though I don't like it, just because I don't want to state a preference for "white" to a black employee.
When the cops got there, Gaa at first denied making the comments, but in the process of doing so, this complete dumbshit started using racial slurs.
Sometimes you have stories that are easily encapsulated in the headline. Other times, you have stories that require…