lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

If I could star a comment a hundred times this would be the comment. A head nod for you.

Mr. Salk had NO idea what he was doing, allowing those of us to be able to, y'know, walk straight without a disease twisting us up and crippling us...

I'm a cripple. It's a good word - short, concise, to the point. I can't freaking walk very far even with the stupid forearm crutches, so I'm a cripple. Car wreck, not polio, but it sucks regardless of origin. But it's why polio scares me cause I wouldn't wish this life of captivity on my enemy. Much less a kid!

My grandmother went deaf due to complications from measles, and two of her cousins died because of the disease. But good to know that this dickbag thinks it was their "right."

I share both your approximate geography and your overall incredulity. And the dad thing (two under two, one under one (yes I can confirm that I have done sex)). As a non-native of this whole Southland area, it absolutely boggles the fucking mind to see how many people are so dismissive of basic tenets of modern

My brother and mother had polio before I was born. My brother is in his late '60's and has a myriad of health problems, some of which are traceable to the polio and some of which may be traceable.

My mom had polio as a kid. She got away easy, with an inch difference between the length of her left and right legs. Other kids of her generation did not get off as easily. My kid's gonna get ALL the vaccines.

My grandmother had Polio as a child, and it is assumed that it severely stunted her growth, but she was nonetheless one of the lucky kids who went on to lead a normal life.

Measles weren't just "on their way out." In the year 2000, the medical community declared that new transmissions had been eliminated in the US. These dumbass anti-vaxxers revived a disease that was gone, kaput. New transmissions of polio are currently nonexistent... for now.

Simply put: unless there is a legit medical reason for someone to not get their inoculations, they should not be allowed in public spaces.

Humanity has spent five thousand years gathering the collective knowledge to get us this far only to say "Fuck those people, I am gonna listen to Jenny McCarthy and Glenn Beck".

Anti-vaxxers enrage me. These assholes should be forced to talk to their grandparents and other seniors who were alive when there weren't vaccines before making stupid choices that endanger their children and other people. And Jenny McCarthy owes me $100 for the stupid whooping cough test my kid needed because an

I get tired of saving this over and over again but here goes. Smallpox: killed millions of people for hundreds of years. Where is it? Gone, worldwide, because we were forced to vaccinate. Measles were on their way out until now. I'm older than Wolfson, I remember getting measles and having school mates getting

My kid is allergic to peanuts!

As someone who lives near the epicenter of the current measles outbreak (Disneyland), the anti-vaxxers (and there are a lot of them here) drive me insane. What kind of selfish, self-centered douchebag is willing to risk the well-being of their child and the well-being of everyone else because you're not smart enough

I think it tends to happen in reverse. It's not that people necessary have every porn star they've seen committed to memory. It's more like, you're fapping away to some video on Pornhub and suddenly notice, "Holy crap, that's Jodi from personnel!"

Nope, crippled is an okay word. My mother is a polio survivor. Do you want to know how much pain medicine she's on, at 80 years of age, because of the damage? What she takes to get out of bed and into her wheelchair every morning would literally kill a horse. Doctors like this should lose their licenses.

To steal a quote from Jezebel I saw last night, if I can't send my kid anywhere with a PB&J sandwich for public health reasons, I shouldn't be allowed to send them anywhere without an MMRV.

I've reached a point in my life where I just roll my eyes and stay quiet if I ever overhear some asshole's racist, homophobic, bigoted, etc. rant. It's not worth wasting breath or energy to argue. People have stupid opinions all the time and blasting every last person who has one is an exercise in futility.

Man I've never wanted to inject someone with smallpox SO MUCH.