lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

What makes me even rage-ier is that this is happening at a privatized prison. The prison industrial complex is real and it's wrong. When you run a prison for profit, this is what we can expect. Our government can't run them right. How can we expect a corporation to do it better?

Preemptive shout-at to anyone who'd use that bullshit line: People in prison have families. It's punishment enough that their families can't be with their father/brother/husband, etc. — but to be straight-up afraid to visit them because of the guards? What the fuck?? And hell.. what's to stop them from doing this to a

Normally when someone details you until you show them your vagina, it is kidnapping and sexual assault.

If that's considered being an animal, I don't want to be human.

I don't understand why she wouldn't be allowed to just leave. This is a private prison and it sounds like the guards all security guards - NOT corrections officers. WTF are they gonna do? Can security guards arrest her? This shit is rapey as hell.

I would have stuck my fingers in my vagina and painted fuck you with period blood on the wall, but I'm an animal.

I ... I can't ... but ... fuck.

OK, what the holy Fuck is it going to take for the general populace of this Goddamn country to decide the police state and jail-complex is utterly out of its fucking mind? Holy Christ I know there's a chunk that will be all tough and say "what do you expect, she's going to visit a felon/criminal," but seriously, it's

How about a politician who's pro choice and actually uses the word 'abortion'. We lost ground the second we tacitly agreed it was a dirty word.

I'm allowed to have a top three.

'quicker than you can find your beans' is my new, folky, southern way of describing something that is quick.

That's the first time I've ever heard of Latina women being stereotyped as submissive, is the "fiery" thing finally going away?

MRA/PUAs are telling each other on their websites that Latinas are excellent prey because they are culturally trained to be virginal, submissive and to provide superior domestic service. The Ukraine seems to have run its course for sex tourism, so now they're talking up Latin America. That's what you ran into.

When we were leaving the rink he basically told me he wouldn't be seeing me again and had only asked me out because he thought I was Latina.

You dodged a bullet.

I am 100% against the death penalty in any and all cases. That said, the idea that beheading is "barbaric" is just western racism.

I misread things sometimes too. It happens.

It wasn't because she wouldn't let her sons read a personal email. It's because they did read an email. Of course reading someone's personal correspondence is an invasion of privacy, but it sounds like something is seriously not right here, and that there must have been something seriously damning in its contents.