lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

If it starts raining then they will get wet. This is not a crisis. When my children were 10 and 6 I did not let them roam this far because frankly my oldest is kind of flighty and wasn't up to the responsibility.

Granted, I grew up in the country, but by 11 I was riding my bike upwards of 7 or 8 miles away from home. This was the 80s, though, when kids were still allowed outside.

I lived in a coastal town just south of San Francisco and I used to take the bus to go hang out in the pre-AIDS era Castro district when I was a pre-teen. It was great! Walked around and was never bothered. Saw crazy movies at a little theater. If I stopped for a burger and sat at the counter I often got to talk

So CPS gets involved over this?!?! WTF?!?! I'm a teacher and called CPS numerous times over abuse and neglect cases and NOTHING ever comes of it. There's even a student who we are pretty sure is pimped out by her parents, and was molested by an uncle, but CPS just can't seem to find anything wrong.

It's not even New Age or hipster!

Just like in the 50s, children now are at much greater risk from adults they know than from strangers. There has been no point in recent history in which children have been significantly victimized by street crime.

Additionally, there has been no point in time in which crimes against children walking on the streets were a substantial risk. Even when crime rates were much higher, children were not the likely victims of street crime. Children are at much greater risk from people they know than from strangers.

I'm not saying there wasn't an overreaction here but as someone who used to work in a library we would always see kids come there straight after school and leave at closing time. It made me wonder about their home situation when they were there all day long, every day even in the summer.

This is bullshit. Call it whatever new-age hipster shit you want, these parents have the right idea. There is ZERO wrong with letting your kids walk home together, especially if the distance is short. That's how they learn independence. It's how they become more aware of their surroundings, and it's how they learn to

We are all too waay up in each other's business. Why do we want our chickens to be free-range but keep our kids indoor?

What baffles me is how difficult it is to get kids out of abusive homes, and they go around threatening for this? They have WAAAAY better things to be doing.

this is happening where I live, so two interesting notes on the law:

Are parents with full-time job really not allowed to let their children go to the park alone? Or walk to the store? or go to the library? I am deeply uncomfortable with this. As an ex-latch-key this is offensive. Jesus let kids eat some dirt.

Shouldn't they be focused on kids who were actually being abused? I used to walk places all the time when I was a kid. I guess I'll have to inform my parents that they were abusive.

My son is currently two, and I think this is ridiculous. As these parents said, it's even safer now than when we were kids. A ten year old is perfectly capaple of supervising a six year old to a local park and back.

This is crazy. A 10 and a 6 year old, together, are old enough to walk home.

I looked at a car there last month and regretted it. Super bro-y. The salesman kept disappearing, leaving me waiting at the desk for at least five minutes at a time, even when I just asked for a business card. He and his manager tried every trick in the book to keep from giving me a price. I eventually gave them a

True dat. My ex-husband, a preacher, worked for one of those lying-ass fake pregnancy centers. They had a whole handbook (a Pearson guide, which you can look up online if you like) detailing how to emotionally harass and manipulate women into "choosing" to keep the pregnancy. The second they hit the legal time limit