Seriously— somebody needed to tell Cassandra, "Just tell 'em Jesus doesn't want you to have chemo!" Boom, she'd be peacefully at home with her weird-ass mother before dinnertime.
Seriously— somebody needed to tell Cassandra, "Just tell 'em Jesus doesn't want you to have chemo!" Boom, she'd be peacefully at home with her weird-ass mother before dinnertime.
yeah usually in somewhere secluded-ish. i didn't learn how to like, squat and pee until my 20s, which was an issue because i visited italy as a teen and some places had little holes in the ground to pee in, and i refused to just squat. i would take off my pants because i wasn't confident i wouldn't pee on them and i…
From the comments I'm seeing, it seems like the state was right to intervene (though perhaps could have gone about it better).
But I agree that it's insane that the outcome would be different if she cited Jesus as the reason. The fact that we privilege religion like that is fucked up.
FWIW, I think Christian Scientists and Jehovah's Witnesses who refuse treatments because Bible should have to have their children have patient advocates/medical guardians. Not giving a 3 year old a blood transfusion because of a passage in a mythological text about drinking blood is ignorant.
especially given that she's not citing a religious objection to treatment.
so it's like
A 17-year-old Connecticut girl suffering from Hodgkin's lymphoma has been court-ordered to undergo chemotherapy,…
Okay, do people not understand how diapers work? Or the concept of changing diapers? Am I wrong that diapers are there for the emergency and then to be promptly changed not to just sit and stew in?
In anticipation of Pope Francis' 5-day visit to the Philippines next week, authorities have announced that the 2,000…
"and still use caps lock to type every capital letter"
Yeah I'm into it because it proves we probably don't need as many cops as we have.
It's almost hilarious that when the NYPD sat around brainstorming ways to prove how necessary they are to the daily functioning of the city they came up with, "Stop writing tickets for bullshit petty offenses and harassing people on the sidewalks, that'll show 'em! They'll come crawling back to lick our boots after a…
I'm fine with the slowdown. Keep it up long enough and we can decrease revenues from ticketing poor people, trim the budget, and fire some cops. Start with any that have had excessive force complaints.
Things have been exceedingly tense between New York mayor Bill de Blasio and the New York City Police Department…
And parenthood is crying quietly in a corner while texting "WHY WON'T THESE FUCKING KIDS NAP SO I CAN SLEEP?!"
The Conservative media will never be happy. Obama could give everyone in America a puppy and they'd say it was an act of aggression because some people are allergic.
Stop the presses! President Obama and Michelle Obama ate at a fancy restaurant on vacation! Why is this news? It…