lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

the ironic thing is her "loving,compassionate,forgiving" church buddies are STILL going to look down on her. If not for who Leelah was then they will get all sanctimonious about what a bad mom she was for letting this happen. I grew up in the same environment & ppl like that ALWAYS find a reason to judge. But then

THANK YOU. Seriously, thank you so much. You just put into words what I have been feeling for YEARS but could never quite articulate right. It's so spot on it's insane.

In Canada, on Christmas Day only you are entitled to double time and a half pay by law. Any other holiday is time and a half. I know this because I once worked Christmas Day and my shady boss tried to stiff me. I called the Labour Board and got the scoop from them.

I didn't realize that sticking a finger in one's ass to see what's holding things up was even an option. Also, going to the vibrator to "shake them out" is fucking hilarious.

Brought up an old, old memory. I went to high school in AZ. I remember my friends telling me about a Senior getting excommunicated because she had an abortion. So, here I am, 15, and I know all about an abortion some poor girl had because the church threw her out and we all knew why.

I am troubled that I don't find this the grossest story. What's wrong with me? Am I secretly super mega gross and nothing else comes close? I need counseling!

Yeah, wherever you go, there they are :P

Doug. Her husband's name is Doug Alcorn, and he was at the very least OK enough with everything that happened to do nothing and let it happen. Realistically, as the "head of the household" in an evangelical setting, he was probably involved directly in at least some of it.

I am angry at her also but honestly I mostly pity her. She is so ignorant that she has no idea what she has done to her own child. Someday she may come to this realization and the devastation will be punishment she deserves, if not enough retribution for Leelah's beautiful life that was stolen from her. I think being

Also, fuck you, lady, and your husband who of course is getting ignored as the blame is spread, because it's always mom's fault, amiright?

Until you got to the part about Indiana, I was certain we were from the same town. This is a thing that happened in my hometown in northeast TN as well. So fucked up. SO fucked up. I live in a major city now and I'm. Never. Going. Back. I love my parents but they can't grasp why I won't come home. The white, cis,

She loved a version of her child that did not exist.

Denial and self-delusion are so incredibly powerful. Some people will do anything to maintain their illusion that they did nothing wrong, and that everything is OK. Although it will be far too late for Leelah, I can only hope that she has a reality check at some point.

It's really difficult not to hate this woman. I grew up in this kind of smug, judgmental, repressed religious environment. People thought they were so nice and generous when they condescended to hate the sin, etc., but the stifling of individuality, of independence, of sexuality of any kind was just so fucking stupid.

Oh my god lady, your daughter literally said you were part of the reason she was killing herself. Maybe think about what that means instead of running your mouth about how it wasn't your fault and disrespecting your kid even in death.

But, but- religion is never an aggravator of such problems. No, no, religion is just dandy and Christianity is a religion of love! Love thy child, love thy neighbour...

This is so fucking heartbreaking. I am weeping for this poor girl. I'm sorry that you didn't have the support you needed Leelah. I'm sorry that you didn't seem to have anybody. I wish somebody would have crossed your path that could have directed you to resources that could help you independent of your parents but it

Well, I'm guessing that the employees weren't given a choice as to whether they wanted to work those days or not and they aren't being given sufficient extra pay (if any at all) to work those hours. I wouldn't have a problem with it if there were enough employees willing to work those hours for the extra money and