It is never too late to do the right thing for yourself. Seriously, life is too short already to spend it unhappy just because we try to live as others think we should.
It is never too late to do the right thing for yourself. Seriously, life is too short already to spend it unhappy just because we try to live as others think we should.
let it be known that if i ever have a kid, say a son who wants to wear dresses i'm going to make sure hes the prettiest boy in class, so pretty that even straight boys in class would want to date him. Or if its a girl that wants to be a boy i'll maker her so handsome that she'll be rolling in women (or guys).
You are breaking my heart. Don't be ashamed, be who you are, I wish you could be proud of it, it makes me sad that you feel the need to hide. Would it make you feel better to tell your mother how she's made you feel like a worthless POS? If she is like my mother she will just turn it around and make it about how…
Christine, if it helps you, please continue use this handle while you post. I know you said you might not be able to live the life you want to in the "real" world, but as you can see, many people here support you, this could be your little oasis to be who you are, to be Christine. Just a thought.
"Have I ever even known what normal is? "
I know what normal is. Normal is bullshit. No one is normal. You get a bunch of people to trust you an tell you what makes them tick, and you'll find out that the world is a pretty crazy place. Normal is just the meaningless box society invented to keep down amazing and…
I have little to add, but I wanted to say that sometimes just living is the hardest thing, and continuing to live takes immense courage. Sending love to you, and best wishes for the future.
Just wanted to offer support.
And when you get off the escalator, KEEP MOVING. The stairs keep moving behind you, and people don't want to crash into you just because you're too stupid to get out of the way what the fuck tourists?!?!?!?!?
If you can swing living in San Francisco, do it. :)
I'm also really puzzled by those using the isle seat and leaving the window seat EMPTY. I've seen it repeatedly on the busses and street cars. Seats full, people standing, and a dingus with an empty window seat next to them (Not even bags occupying it!) and thinking nothing is wrong!
I used to ride the Metro in DC on a daily basis. I have seen grown men in business suits shove heavily pregnant women out of the way so they can get to a seat first SO MANY TIMES.
I hate it when there are lots of seats available but a bunch of people decide to stand in a cluster near the front so people have trouble getting on and off the bus.
I would like to add:
Can I add a few?
When you get on the subway/bus/streetcar, FUCKING KEEP MOVING, there are people behind you waiting to get on.
omg i swear i once heard a dude refusing to give up his seat for an extremely pregnant lady he said 'i dont believe in giving up seats for women because im a feminist'
And offer your seat to elderly people and pregnant women. It's bad enough that they have to take public transit when they're old and tottery/dragging a giant fetus around, but it's even worse that they have to sit there and watch some sullen 18-year-old mess with their phone while ignoring them as they try to remain…
ive been to toronto once & the ppl were so lovely !
Of the three major cities I've lived in (London, Boston, Toronto), Toronto is THE FUCKING WORST for public transportation etiquette.