antiterrorism (definition):
antiterrorism (definition):
I'd really like all the assholes who screech about free speech every time someone calls them an asshole for their asshole opinions to read this. THIS. THIS FUCKING RIGHT HERE is what free speech is about. These women are literally being tried for having an opinion different to that of their government. THIS is a free…
Free, government-funded contraception?! Somebody tell Rush Limbaugh so we can see his head explode.
So, the worst thing women do to you on online dating sites are being boring and not wanting to date you? That must be really, really nice.
It's funny, because when I used to do the online dating thing I'd often meet women who WANTED a big swinging fiscal dick. I wonder why the two have such trouble meeting one another?
Megumi Igarashi, the Japanese artist arrested in July for crowd-funding a kayak shaped like her vagina, has been…
If you do try to hug a goat, drop into a squat, or down to one knee, with your arms held in front of you in "come give me a hug" position. That way, if the goat decides to ram his head into yours, your arms will deflect much of the force. Do not bend over or lean forward, or the goat will definitely ram you, or…
Goats are mean assholes. Good luck playing with them.
Are you staring mournfully at your Christmas tree, wondering what in the hell you're going to do with a…
Yup, that's what I do. I drink WAY too much, but if I drink anything, I don't drive.
I don't want to make an exhaustive list of every unacceptable behaviour behind the wheel. But if you are choosing to do something that takes your attention away from the best possible operation of the two ton missile you are piloting, then yes, I don't ever want you to drive again. People seem to think that taking…
Of course nobody should drink and drive, the question is at what point we throw crippling criminal punishments at them.
Unfortunately, we judge 'impairment' by the arbitrary measurement of BAC, not by how, you know, impaired the driver actually is.
And we're happy as hell we're not Captain/Commander/Mr. Vimes.. And that Klatchian Coffee sure is strong.
My best friend is a bartender, and he has a portable breathalyzer. So one night we're hanging out and drinking at his place, and we decide to see what our BACs are when we first start to feel a buzz. I don't mean drunk, I mean the first signs that the stuff is working.
I am a 6'4" 27 year old man who like to drink beer and whiskey on occasion (a lot). Some friends of mine bought a very nice BAC breathalyzer online to see how drunk we got on a typical friday night. I am one who does not drive drunk (I wish I could say that for all of my friends...) but have been in situations where…
It's called "knurd."* It means you need a drink or two just to get to normal.
Personally I feel a 1-2 drink limit is reasonable. You might be moderately impaired. But listening to music, talking on the phone etc all impair your driving. I would be interested to see what driving performance is like for individuals who have had one or two beers, vs someone who is talking on the phone while the…
According to wikipedia "In Poland, a homeless man was found sleeping half-naked on January 28, 2011, in Cieszyn. His blood had an alcohol level of 1.024%. Despite the temperature of −10 °C and extremely high blood alcohol content the man survived." Alcohol gives you superpowers at over 1%