lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

the scariest stories don’t involve the supernatural...

I think they were eating the seeds whole, with the shell still on?

“Trump Derangement Syndrome”

One of the other witnesses was doxxed, fired from her job, and blacklisted.

fuck off troll

Cops are just another organized crime syndicate.

I don’t think Maher has ever been that “left”

A while back, I bought a bunch of razors from Dorco. 2, 3, 4, and 5 blade ones

“I owe all of my work ethic, character, integrity, and moral fiber to my father.”

I hate that! There must be a name for this phenomenon!

I think it’s something to do with most people having an aversion to cannibalism, infants are sorta the “perfect victim”, and something about socialism=bad?

That would have been a poor choice when the movie came out, but I don’t think he’s old enough for that excuse...

It’s almost like some superficial feature matters more to these people than somebody’s actions...

thanks, I was curious about this, but don’t have a microwave. I may give it a try now.

the issue with the president is that he uses his personal twitter account to publicize official business, and has argued that his personal tweets are legitimate presidential declarations. If he were to keep presidential business on the whitehouse/official twitter, and keep his personal twitter restricted to personal

I don’t think it matters where someone thinks human life begins, I think bodily autonomy takes precedence.

The wedding of the Republican Party and the Fundamentalist Evangelicals, Fox “News” being treated as a valid media outlet, whilst being unaccountable for truth/accuracy, the push for abstinence-only “sex ed”, The constant rightward slip of the Overton Window, Rush Limbaugh/Talk Radio, Breitbart, InfoWars, James

Voltaire’s prayer?

I bet a bicycle inner tube would work pretty well if you removed the innards of the valve stem...