they mocked our poor rakemanship
they mocked our poor rakemanship
I think I’m pretty left-leaning, and am glad there are more progressive candidates showing up (not just for the Presidency, but also House, Senate, and state offices). But, things can only move so far in one term. I think as long as a candidate meets some base minimum, it doesn’t much matter beyond that.
I think he may have some “innate cunning” or whatever for manipulating people and bullying and what not, but I think that’s about it as far as his capabilities are concerned.
this asshole is so goddamned stupid and cruel, he makes 80s cartoon villains appear compassionate, wise, and rational by comparison...
I’ve walked into the wrong office, conference, hotel or dorm room before, and as homogeneous as they are, I almost always immediately froze and checked the room number, because the room was not what I expected it to be.
eh... a couple, maybe? but it pretty much requires living in a depressed rural area. And most people don’t live in rural areas, or they would cease to be rural.
I don’t use Excel for it’s intended function, but more because it’s ubiquitous, and most other programs that import/export data, can do so in Excel spreadsheets, or at least comma delineated ones (which I can use in Excel), so if I were dealing with two programs that couldn’t directly use each other’s exports, I could…
I can’t count the number of times headlines about what this administration is up to has caused me to check Snopes before even reading the article.
I think some sort of UBI/Mincome is going to be necessary in the near future, and maybe his proposal is okay as a stepping stone, but we are going to need one that will cover a person’s needs, and just $1K a month isn’t enough.
maybe something has recently changed, but I was under the impression that if you deleted a row/column, it would bork any formula that used to contain that row/column within and array.
I think OFFSET(MATCH()) is still better - you just need a starting cell, as opposed to a defined array, so it works well with spreadsheets you are continuously adding data to. and it’s more forgiving of inserted/deleted cells/columns/rows. I believe it’s more accurate, but not certain to what degree.
ah, right-wing logic: rolling coal, pouring used motor oil into a storm drain, and over-watering a lawn during a drought are all “god given rights”, but two dudes kissing, someone smoking a joint, or a black person objecting to discrimination are all inexcusable crimes that should be punished...
yeah, although I think they often overstate how much water is wasted by this, I still don’t understand why people would leave the water running when they aren’t using it.
Running water whilst brushing your teeth won’t help you with that. Just run the water for a few seconds or so while/after you spit - just to flush stuff past the P-trap, as you don’t want it to settle there and cause a clog.
some shower heads have a little switch on them so you can shut off water at the head. It’s probably not good to leave it off (and the water on) for more than a few minutes or so, but it’s pretty much made for this “navy shower” sorta thing.
reminds me of hearing about some of those right-wing pundit-types (limbaugh? beck? hannity? fuck if i know, I’m not about to go delving into that cesspool to try and figure out which piece of shit was acting up that specific time...) talked about intentionally leaving the lights on and running airconditioning with the…
I’m a bit tipsy, so...
His defense of using a childish insult is...