lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

CH4 +2*O2 = CO2 + 2*H2O

I think you missed a decimal point?

Fuck off outta here with your irrelevant partisan bullshit, you self-following troll

oh, for fuck’s sake, I was already tired of this a quarter century ago...

Get some rich parents

Person who believes one idiotic thing, also happens to believe other idiotic things...

I haven’t tried to teach anyone, so I might be off on this, but I suspect being comfortable in the water plays a big part in learning to swim - think of the stuff kids do in the pool, see how long they can sit underwater, grab things off the bottom, dunk each other, etc. I think as someone does more of those types of

Ha!  also used the scar trick.  never got the “finger and thumb make an L” because that can be either hand depending on whether you are looking at the palm or back

Also really bad with left/right.

It usually takes me a couple tries before I make any noise with a basic whistle, that fingers-in-the-mouth thing is simultaneously both bewildering, and kinda gross.

I had to take typing twice in Highschool, and only barely passed the second time (it was a requirement for graduation at the time)

are you comfortable in the water, or are you prone to panic if your head goes under?

That’s why so many people are upset about the gunshow loophole and private sales, as they are frequently used by people to obtain firearms without getting a background check.

note the passive voice

Why don’t you provide a link from something other than a conservative propaganda outlet? If it really was in a CDC report, you should be able to show that, but I don’t think you can, because the numbers you are claiming are entirely fabricated.

oh, fuck off out of here with that made up number

We can worry about more than one thing at a time.

If knives were as easy and as effective as firearms, then these people wouldn’t be owning firearms, they would have a knife collection.

I’m just glad that they didn’t point out how Lincoln freed the slaves, and then claim that therefore, the Democratic party is the real racist...

Good bye.