lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

He may know a lot about guns, but he knows fuck-all about amphibious assaults.

Someone joked about this on the comments on yesterday’s article.


I’m just a typical German ratte,

In before the trolls:

cooked or raw?

Officers already aren’t even supposed to hang out with enlisted, let alone have sexual relations with them.

Unit cohesion only matters within the unit.

You’re not being polite, you are being disrespectful.

There are really strict rules about how firearms are handled and stored in the military. All of the government stuff is kept in the armory, and all of the private stuff is (supposed to be) kept off base or in the armory. I got chewed out over a 4" fixed blade in the barracks my first year.

Several commenters in this thread have stated they are either currently or previously active duty, and you’re sitting here spouting off, telling them they’re wrong, all because your brother told you something once.

You are referring to people as objects.

You are repeatedly referring to women as “the village bicycle”.

You sure like talking a lot of shit for someone who never enlisted

Prior USMC here, and I was paid the same as people who couldn’t even pass the PFT.

So the female marine is fucking male marines she is working with, but somehow the male marines aren’t fucking female marines they are working with?

that’s what barracks are for, so when they force you to be a soldier, you have someplace else to stay...

Times Square is approximately mid-Manhattan.  Manhattan is it’s own borough - it’s the long, skinny island running north/south in the river.  Bronx is more or less North of Manhattan, and Queens is East.

While something like this may be bad, it does not destroy the future credibility of other victims of hatecrimes, only racism and bigotry does that.

and shirts, and scarves...